Somaya - Inta Hayati
ya habibi ana 2abl minak ahh
kont ba5af mil hob wi girahu
wi 2abilt 3anaik 5aduni wi raga3u
ayam 3omri ili rahu dilwa2ti leh mafadilsh bina
ila il fora2 ila il fora2 tab a3mil ehh
da mafesh fi 2albi 3air il ishtiya2
il ishtiya2 wi mosh 3ayiz leh tkalimni wibtitharab
mini ya habibi haram fahimni matsebnesh
2ahtar law kont 3'elit hasibni wi radia
kaman ta3atibni inama tib3id wi tsibni
yib2a btirmini fi nar 2x tab hat 3anak fa 3naya ilmisni wi 2arab
liya da ana 3ayshalak ya habibi kol hayati
dana min 3'irak wala haja irga3 dana leek
mihtaga ba2olhalak min 2albi inta hayati 2x shoof kam sana inta wi ana 3ayshin habayib wahishni bigad shih min il bo3d ana 2albi garihSomaya - Inta Hayati -
wahishni bigad shih min il bo3d ana 2albi garih
tol manta ba3eed ya 3'ali na2sani hagat kiteer habibi ana 2albi 3alaik ana 2a2rab minak leek
habibi ana 2albi 3alaik ana 2a2rab minak leek
samahni 5alas kifaya 3arfak 2albak kibeer
habibi ta3ala ta3ala ba2olak ta3ala mafesh ay she2
haya 5odni minak wi mosh 3ayiz leh tkalimni wibtitharab
mini ya habibi haram fahimni matsebnesh
2ahtar law kont 3'elit hasibni wi radia
kaman ta3atibni inama tib3id wi tsibni
yib2a btirmini fi nar 2x tab hat 3anak fa 3naya ilmisni wi 2arab
liya da ana 3ayshalak ya habibi kol hayati
dana min 3'irak wala haja irga3 dana leek
mihtaga ba2olhalak min 2albi inta hayati 2x shoof kam sana inta wi ana 3ayshin habayib
Somaya - Inta Hayati (Английский перевод)
oh my beloved ,while i was after you
i used to fear the love and its wounds
and i met your eyes that took me and brought me back
the days of my life that got lost,why there is nothing between us left
but the separation ,wo what shall i do
there is nothing but the yearning in my heart
the yearning
why do you and refuse to speak to me and avoid
me ,oh my beloved ,it's such a shame;understand me and don't leave me
confused,if i was mistaken then leave me i'm satisfied
and blame me too,but don't you go away and leave me
it's like throwing me in fire
so look at my eyes with your eyes,touch me and get closer
to me,i'm leaving for you all my life
i'm nothing without you ,come back cause it's you that
i need,i'm saying it to you from my heart ,you're my life
look how many years ,you and i have been lovers
i really miss you ,my heart is wounded of distanceSomaya - Inta Hayati -
i really miss you ,my heart is wounded of distance
as long as your away oh my percious,i miss so many things
my heart is on you,i'm closer to you than you are
my heart is on you,i'm closer to you than you are
so forgive me now,i know you have a big
my beloved ,come come ,i say to you ,there is nothing
can take me from you
why do you and refuse to speak to me and avoid
me ,oh my beloved ,it's such a shame;understand me and don't leave me
confused,if i was mistaken then leave me i'm satisfied
and blame me too,but don't you go away and leave me
it's like throwing me in fire
so look at my eyes with your eyes,touch me and get closer
to me,i'm leaving for you all my life
i'm nothing without you ,come back cause it's you that
i need,i'm saying it to you from my heart ,you're my life
look how many years ,you and i have been lovers