Soma - Ma2darsh A2ol
مقدرش اقول احساسى كان لعبه فـايديك
عشان احساسى هو اللى كان هيموت عليك مقدرتش اشوف احلامى قصادى و ملمسهاش
وقلبى كان هيضيع لو سابك سيبته عااش وقبل ما امشى احب اقولك مش هنسااااك
ولا عمرى هنسى الدنيا اللى انا عشتها وياااك
وان كنت مقدرتش حبى مش هجرح فييك
حبيتك حب محدش حبه لحد مفييش
وبرغم الحب اللى انا حبيته محبتنيشSoma - Ma2darsh A2ol -
كان قلبى عارف ان في حد فحياتك
بس غصب عنه داب و اتشد ليييك
مقدرتش اشوف احلامى قصادى و ملمسهاش
وقلبى كان هيضيع لو سابك سيبته عااش وقبل ما امشى احب اقولك مش هنسااااك
ولا عمرى هنسى الدنيا اللى انا عشتها وياااك
وان كنت مقدرتش حبى مش هجرح فييك
Soma - Ma2darsh A2ol (Английский перевод)
i can't tell my feeling was a toy in your hands
cause my feelings were willing to die for you
i couldn't watch my dreams beside me and i can't touch them
and my heart was about to be lost if he left you but when you left him it lived
and before i go i wanna tell you i won't forget you
and i'll never forget the world i lived with you
and if you haven't appreciate my love i won't hurt you
i loved you with a love that has never been lused by someone else
and despite the love that i love dyou with ,you didn't love meSoma - Ma2darsh A2ol -
my heart knew that there was someone in your life
but despite it ,it melted and was attached to you
i couldn't watch my dreams beside me and i can't touch them
and my heart was about to be lost if he left you but when you left him it lived
and before i go i wanna tell you i won't forget you
and i'll never forget the world i lived with you
and if you haven't appreciate my love i won't hurt you