Sladja Delibasic - Duplikat
Aha, ok - slusaj ovamo!
ko ti je to rekao,
ko ti opet puni glavu,
da sam te preboleo i
da imam neku malu. Otkada si otisla,
ja ne licim sam na sebe,
radi reda izlazim,
da zaboravim na tebe. U zadnje vreme, ovaj klub
je kao moj drugi dom
izlazim svako vece,
ne bi li te srela sa njom
bas me zanima ko je moja zamena sad
pa ona moj je duplikat! Ista kosa, ista sminka, isto pice ko ja
Na moju pesmu vidim ona ruke podigla
Nije ona kriva, ona se potrudila,
a ti si ispao dno dna. Ref:
Sto bas nju,
a toliki gradSladja Delibasic - Duplikat -
sto me menjas ti,
za moj duplikat. Sto bas nju,
sto si takav gad
da me ostavis za
moj duplikat. Oh oh oh oh oh oooooh Ako ovo sanjam, hitno me probudite
a, ako ne sanjam, dupli John mi sipajte
musko pice ova zena pice do ujutru
dok on sa njom bude tu. Ista kosa, ista sminka, isto pice ko ja
na moju pesmu vidim ona ruke podigla
nije ona kriva, ona se potrudila,
a ti si ispao dno dna. Ref. Ko ti je to rekao,
ko ti opet puni glavu,
da sam te preboleo i
da imam neku malu. Otkada si otisla,
ja ne licim sam na sebe,
radi reda izlazim,
da zaboravim na tebe.
Sladja Delibasic - Doppelgänger (Английский перевод)
Aha, ok - listen up!
who told you that
who's filling your head with nonsense again
that I've gotten over you
and that I have a new girlfriend
Since you left
I'm not the same anymore
I go out for the sake of it
to forget about you
Recently, this club
is like my second home
I go out everynight
to see if I can catch you with her
I'm really interested in who my substitude is now
well, she's my doppelgänger!
Same hair, same make-up, she drinks the same drinks
I see she's put her hands up during my song
she's not to blame, she's made an effort
but you've turned out to be an ass
Why exactly her
there's plenty of fish in the seaSladja Delibasic - Duplikat -
why are you exchanging me
for my doppelgänger
Why exactly her
are you such a punk
to leave me
for my doppelgänger
Oh oh oh oh oh oooooh
If I'm dreaming, wake me up immediately
but, if I'm not, pour me a double
this woman will drink a man's drink until the morning
while he stays here with her
The same hair, same make-up, she drinks the same drink
I see she's put her hands up during my song
she's not to blame, she's made an effort
but you've turned out to be an ass
Who told you that
who's filling your head with nonsense again
that I've gotten over you
and that I have a new girlfriend
Since you left
I'm not the same anymore
I go out for the sake of it
to forget about you