Sherine Ahmad - Be kelma menak
بكلمه منك تنسينى اللى عدى وراح
تخلينى احس بقيمة الايام تطمنى سنين قدام
بكلمه منك تورينى اللى مش شايفاه
تريحنى من الهم اللى انا شايلاه
تعبشنى اللى مش عايشاه كان فين هواك من بدرى يا حبيبى وكل ده فين
انا من قبلك انا عايشه مع العايشين
بكلم نفسى من الوحده بقالى سنينSherine Ahmad - Be kelma menak -
وانا فى ضيقتى مكنتش عارفه اشكى لمين
ودلوقتى عرفت ابدأ حياتى منين بكلمه منك عرفت دنيا معرفهاش
عشان خاطرك بحب حاجات محبتهاش
ولو تندهلى مستناش بكلمه منك لاقيت كل اللى مش لاقياه
ولو فى حد زعلنى انا مسمحاه
ولو فى جرح انا هنساه Submitter's comments: V=A
Sherine Ahmad - Be kelma menak (Английский перевод)
bkelma menak tensiny elli 3ada w ra7//with only a word from u, u make me forget the past
tekhalini a7es b2emet el ayam tetameni senin 2odam//make me feel the worth of days, make me felt reassured for upcoming years
bkelma menak twarini elli msh shayfah//with only a word from u, u let me see what i'm not seeing
teraya7ni mn el ham elli ana shaylah//would satisfy the concern that i bear
t3aishnin elli msh 3ayshah//make me live what i'm not living
kan feen hwak mn badri ya 7abiby w kol da kan feen// darling where were ur love from earlier time, n where were all that hiding
ana mn 2ablak ana 3aysha m3 el 3aysheen//b4 u i were living with the living ppl
bakalim nafsi mn el we7da ba2ali senin//i hv been years talking to myself from lonlinessSherine Ahmad - Be kelma menak -
wana mn de2ti makontsh 3arfa ashtiki lemin//n from my gloom i didn't know to whome i'd complain
w delwa2ti 3reft abda2 7ayati mneen//n now i know from where i'd start my life
bkelma menak 3reft donia ma3rafhash//with only a word from u i knew life i don't know
3ashan khatrak ba7ib 7agat maba7ibhash//for your sake i love things i don't like
w law tendahli mastanash//n if u called me i won't delay
bkelma menak la2it kol elli msh la2yah//with only a word from u i found all i didn't b4
wlaw fih 7ad za3alni ana mesam7ah//n if anyone upseted me i forgive
w law hi gar7 ana hansah//n if thier is a wound i'll forget