Sherine Ahmad - Baraga3 Nafsy
براجع نفسي
انا مش هفضل كده على طول مش هستني العمري يعدي
انا مش هسكت لازم اقول اد ما هاخد اد ما هأدي
انا مش هفضل كده على طول مش هستني العمري يعدي
انا مش هسكت لازم اقول اد ما هاخد اد ما هأدي
انا دلوقتي براجع نفسي قبل ما الايام تفوت
وعشان حاجات تعيش حاجات كتير لازم تموتSherine Ahmad - Baraga3 Nafsy -
مش كبرياء لكن بصلح كل شيء فيا انكسر
ومن الغباء انك تعيش زي الملاك بين البشر
مش كبرياء لكن بصلح كل شيء فيا انكسر
ومن الغباء انك تعيش زي الملاك بين البشر
يعنى براجع نفسى
واللى زمان انا عشته لغيرى
أنا دلوقتى هعيشه لنفسى
Sherine Ahmad - I Take Myself Back (Английский перевод)
I'll take myself back
I won't stay like this for long, I won't wait for my life to pass
I won't stay silent I have to say that as much as I take from him will be as much as I give
I won't stay like this for long, I won't wait for my life to pass
I won't stay silent I have to say that as much as I take from him will be as much as I give
Now I take myself back before the days pass me by
And because there are so many things that need to die
It's not a pride issue, I just need to fix what has been broken in me
And it's silly of you to parade around like you're an angel among the people
It's not a pride issue, I just need to fix what has been broken in me
And it's silly of you to parade around like you're an angel among the people
So basically I'm taking myself back
And the past that I had lived for someone else
I will now live for myself
Sherine Ahmad - Baraga3 Nafsy -