Shadmehr Aghili - Entekhab
درگیر رویای توام
منو دوباره خواب کن
دنیا اگه تنهام گذاشت
تو منو انتخاب کن
دلت از آرزوی من
انگار بی خبر نبود
حتی تو تصمیمای من
چشمات بی اثر نبود
خواستم بهت چیزی نگم
تا با چشام خواهش کنم
درا رو بستم روت تا
احساس آرامش کنمShadmehr Aghili - Entekhab -
باور نمی کنم ولی
انگار غرور من شکست
اگه دلت میخواد بری
اصرار من بی فایدست
هر کاری میکنه دلم
تا بغضمو پنهون کنه
چی میتونه فکر تو رو
از سر من بیرون کنه
یا داغ رو دلم بذار
یا که از عشقت کم نکن
تمام تو سهم منه
به کم قانعم نکن
Shadmehr Aghili - Choice (Английский перевод)
I am stuck in dreaming of you,
Make me sleep again.
If the whole world leaves me alone,
I should be your choice,
You heart knew about my dream.
Even when making new desicions,
Your eyes changed my opinion.
I wanted not to tell you anything,
So I could ask you using my eyes.
I have closed all the doors,
to feel safe...
But I dont believe,
how you broke my confidence,
If you are really desperate to go,
insisting would never work.
No matter how hard my heart tries,Shadmehr Aghili - Entekhab -
to hide my sadness,
It doesnt work.
What can make me stop thinking of you??
Either fully leave me alone,
Or don't stop being in love.
All of you is MINE
do not convince me for less....
I wanted not to tell you anything,
So I could ask you using my eyes,
I have closed all the doors,
to feel safe...
But I dont believe,
how you broke my confidence,
If you are really desperate to go,
insisting would never work....