Sezen Aksu - Zalim
Ten beyaz saç kızıl güller
kahkahasında güller
kirpiği kapkara tüller
ben o afete vuruldum
göz değil nakış mübarek
bendeki aşk değil ibadet
elleri sevdi nihayet
ben edebi saadetten kovuldum gölgemi aldım yanıma
vurdum hasretin yollarınaSezen Aksu - Zalim -
benzedim bahtsız Mecnun'a
yüce Mevla'ya sığındım seyret perişan halimi bende akşam olmakta
dostlar seyrelmiş beyhuda lafla vakit dolmakta
avare oldum serseri oldum terk-i diyarda
zalim,senin Allah'ın yokmu
yarin gözü yüksekte benim bir kuru aşkım var
düşmanlarım nispette be hey kara vicdanlı yar
yağdı saçlarıma genç yaşımda lapa lapa kar
zalim,senin Allah'ın yok
Sezen Aksu - Cruel (Английский перевод)
The skin is white, the hair is like red roses
The roses in her smiles
Her eyelash is dark black
I've fallen in love with this beautiful woman
They aren't eyes, they're embroidery
It's not love in me, it's worship
She loved the strangers in the end
I lost the eternal happiness
I took my shadow with me.
I set off for the yearning roadsSezen Aksu - Zalim -
I became unlucky Mecnun
I took refuge behind my big God.
Look at how I'm miserable, I'm getting dark night
My friends bacame less, time is passing with in vain words
I became a vagabond, I became a bum, I'm leaving the world
Cruel, don't you have a God?
You're eyes are on the high, I have only my pure love
My enemies are just to spite me, the cruel lover
My hair got white when I was very young
Cruel, you don't have a God?