Severina - Zaustavite tramvaj
Vrela noc je, grad spava
tramvaj vozi zadnji krug
a ja tesko sobom vladam
jer zavolio si nju Kazu da se ne raspitujes
vise za mene
i da te nikad sretnijeg
ne pamte Ref. 2x
Zaustavite tramvaj
i vjetar i ljudeSeverina - Zaustavite tramvaj -
nocas sa mnom budite
dok oni se ljube Novo jutro, sto mi nosi
kada ljubav prestaje
miris ljeta i sol u kosi
sve polako nestaje Dovoljna bi bila jedna rijec
dovoljna za sve
dovoljan si ti
za mene Ref. 4x Ma nocas sa mnom budite
dok oni se ljube
Severina - Stop the Tram (Английский перевод)
It's a hot night, the city is sleeping
the tram is driving the last round
and I am having difficulties ruling myself
because you fell in love with her
They are saying that you don't ask
for me anymore
and they can not remember seeing you
happier than ever
Stop the tram
and wind and people
stay with me tonightSeverina - Zaustavite tramvaj -
while they are kissing
New morning, what is bringing to me
when the love stops
the smell of summer and the salt in hair
everything is slowly disappearing
One word would be enough
Enough for everything
you are enough
for me
Well, stay with me tonight
while they are kissing