Severina - Moja Stvar
Sve mi je glupo
sve mi je tlaka
otvorit cu prozor
treba mi malo zraka Izbrisat' cu utorak
zaboravit' srijedu
bas me briga sto je
i sto nije u redu Popit' cu pivo
osvojiti svijet
poludi baby, radi sto
ti padne na pamet Necu da mi zivot
ispadne iz ruku
zelim hodatiSeverina - Moja Stvar -
a ne da me vuku Ref.
Hej, to je moja stvar
hej, to je moja stvar
i ne govori sto je
za mene dobro
svatko svoje zna
mene nista promijeniti nece
ja cu biti ja
hej, to je moja stvar Ref. Hej, to je moja stvar
To je moja stvar
Severina - My Stuff (Английский перевод)
Everything's stupid
Everything's hard
I'll open my window
I need some air
I'll delete Tuesday
I'll forget Wednesday
I don't care what is
and what isn't ok
I'll have a beer
I'll conquer the world
go crazy, baby,do what
you like to do
I don't wanna my lifeSeverina - Moja Stvar -
fall out of my hand
I wanna walk
I don't wanna be dragged
Hey, that's my stuff
Hey, that's my stuff
And don't say what's good for me
everyone know best themselves
nothing ever will change me
I'll always be me
Hey, that's my stuff