Severina - Ljubi me nocas
Ne vjeruj nocas mojim usnama
sve ce biti ljepo ko u pricama
ja sam ti zadnja pjesma s radija
poslje mene ide samo odjava Ne vjerujem nocas tvojim prstima
previse je zica puklo pod njima
a i ona zadnja fina ta na na
ostala mi pjesma lagana Ref. 2xSeverina - Ljubi me nocas -
Ljubi me nocas najbolje sto znas
vraticu ti stoput koliko mi das
ljubi me nocas da zaboravim
i da na njega ne mislim Ne vjeruj nocas mojim usnama
sve ce biti ljepo ko u pricama
ja sam ti zadnja pjesma s radija
poslje mene ide samo odjava Ref.
Severina - Kiss me tonight (Английский перевод)
Don't believe my lips tonight
everything will be beautiful like in story's
I am your last song from the radio
after me it just logs out
I don't believe your fingers tonight
to many wires broke under them
and that last fine girl
has left me a light song
Kiss me tonight, the best you knowSeverina - Ljubi me nocas -
I will give back a hundred times more of how much you give to me
kiss me tonight so that I forget
and so that I don't think of him
Don't believe my lips tonight
everything will be beautiful like in the story's
I am your last song from the radio
after me it just logs out