Severina - Kradeš sve
Od prvog trena
Kad sam oči ti vidjela,
U maloj ulici
Gdje nekad sam živjela ja
Tada još sam znala
Da sam te izabrala
A ja sam i tad bila
znaj, cura tražena
Htjela sam tebe
I bila sam kažnjena
Zavoljela te slijepo
A ti si radio
Što si htio
Sve mi uzeo REFREN:
Kradeš sve lopove
Suze, poljupce
Kradeš ih od mene
Kradeš sve blesaneSeverina - Kradeš sve -
Znaci provale
U srcu posle tebe
I kradeš noć, i krades dan
Svaki džep mi otkopčan
Al' još zadrhtim
Kad te u oči pogledam.. Vjera u lijepo
Me ka tebi vodila
Jedno sam htjela,
A drugo sam dobila
Hej, tugu si mi dao,
A sreću obećao... A ja sam i tad bila,
Znaj, cura tražena
Htjela sam tebe
I bila sam kažnjena
Zavoljela te slijepo
A ti si radio što si htio,
Sve mi uzeo.. Ref.
Severina - You steal everything (Английский перевод)
From the first moment I saw your eyes,
in the small street where I used to live.
I knew, I chose you.
Already then I was a popular girl.
I wanted you, and I got punished for it
blind I fell in love with you
you did whatever you wanted
you took everything from me
Thief, you are stealing everything,
tears, kisses,
you steal them from me
stupid you, you take it all
after you only signs of theft remain in my heartSeverina - Kradeš sve -
you're stealing the night, you're stealing the day
my every pocket is open
but still I'm shaking
when I look into your eyes
Faith in beauty
has led me to you
I wanted one thing but I got another
you gave me sorrow....
but promised happiness
Even then I was a popular girl.
I wanted you, and I got punished for it
blind, I fell in love with you
you did whatever you wanted,
you took everything from me