Severina - Gardelin
Zašto su ti oči umorne i tužne
Ne vidim u njima modrog mora sjaj
Daj zaboravi na sve dane ružne
Svoju ruku mi daj.. Ref.
Voljela bi noćas ,dok je mjesec mlad
Da još jednom čujem riječi teSeverina - Gardelin -
Volim te..
Hoću da te ljubim, da te usrećim
Pivat ću ti, bit ću samo tvoj gardelin. Kada brodovi prestanu da plove
Kad se more smiri, ja ću doći u tvoj san
Pa ćeš saznati da još uvik živi
Naše ljubavi plam. Ref. x2 Pivat ću ti, bit ću samo tvoj mali gardelin..
Severina - Goldfinch (Английский перевод)
Why are your eyes so tired and sad
I don't see the sea's blue shine in them
Come on, forget all those bad days
Give me your hand
Tonight I'd like, while the moon is new
To hear those words once moreSeverina - Gardelin -
I love you
I want to kiss you, to make you happy
I'll sing to you, I'll be only your
When the boats stop sailing
When the sea calms, I'll enter your dream
Then you'll find out that our love's flame
Is still alive
I'll sing to you, I'll be only your little