Sertanejo - Cheiro de Relva
Como é bonito estender-se no verão (how beautiful it is lie down in the summer)
As cortinas do sertão na varanda das manhãs (the Sertão blinds in the morning's balconys)
Deixar entrar pedaços de madrugada (let in peaces of early morning)
E sobre a colcha azulada (and under the blue blanket)
Dorme calma a lua irmã (sleeps calm the sister moon) Cheiro de relva (lawn scent)
Trás do campo a brisa mansa (brings from the field soft breeze)
Que nos faz sentir criança (that makes us feel child)
A embalar milhões de ninhos (lulling milions of nests)
A relva esconde as florzinhas orvalhadas (the grass hides the dewed little flowers)
Quase sempre abandonadas (almost all time abandoned)
Nas encostas dos caminhos (in the declivities of the trails)Sertanejo - Cheiro de Relva -
A juriti madrugadeira da floresta (the dawning juriti of the forest)
Com seu canto abre a festa (with his singuing opens the party)
Revoando toda a selva (re-flying over all the jungle)
O rio manso caudaloso se agita( the tame big river gets agitated)
Parecendo achar bonita( seeming to find beautiful)
A terra cheia de relva(the land full of lawn) O sol vermelho se esquenta e aparece( the red sun gets warm and appears)
O vergel todo agradece (all the vergel thanks)
Pelos ninhos que abrigou (by the nests that he sheltered)
Botões de ouro se desprendem dos seus galhos (golden buttons loosen of their branches)
São as gotas de orvalho (they are drops of dew)
De uma noite que passou (of a night that passed over)
Sertanejo - lawn scent (Английский перевод)
how beautiful it is lie down in the summer
the Sertão blinds in the morning's balconys
let in peaces of early morning
and under the blue blanket
sleeps calm the sister moon
lawn scent
brings from the field soft breeze
that makes us feel child
lulling milions of nests
the grass hides the dewed little flowers
almost all time abandoned
in the declivities of the trailsSertanejo - Cheiro de Relva -
the dawning juriti of the forest
with his singuing opens the party
re-flying over all the jungle
the tame big river gets agitated
seeming to find beautiful
the land full of lawn
the red sun gets warm and appears
all the vergel thanks
by the nests that he sheltered
golden buttons loosen of their branches
they are drops of dew
of a night that passed over