Sertab Erener - Yara
Bir yanmis konakta
Bir kadin var orda hl soylu hl sir
Teninde baharlar
Sevdasi kapkara hl ayni yanar kor
Efsane kadin kimdi askin?
Sordular ama, hic anlatmadinSertab Erener - Yara -
Efsane kadin kimdi askin
Sordular sustun, hic anlatmadin
Zamansiz yillarda
Ismini yazmisti sanki gl dudagina
Snse de yanginlar
Yangini krkler ucan avuc avuc kl
Sertab Erener - Wound (Английский перевод)
There are blind points in every love
Human is born with this guilt and does not die with it
Where the webs still remain
With this little child till the eternity of life
Who will take your hand again?
This wound becomes a dream which makes your inner bleed
This time it becomes a womenSertab Erener - Yara -
Who tells the death
In the end of the fairytale about her love
Sometimes the rose doesn't speak, is mute
The leaf shivers with pain, the thought burns
Where in this nice sleep the sorrow
Grows into the eternity of the spell