Serbian Soundtracks - Svečane bele košulje
Dugo hodam već kroz moj rodni grad.
Izgleda mi da već je pao mrak.
Moj grad je lep kada je dan,
al' umoran je i treba mu san. REF:
Svečane bele košulje
zovu me sad na proslave.
Al' ja ih više ne čujem,
odlazim sama, nestajem. Penjem se na breg da oteram mrak.Serbian Soundtracks - Svečane bele košulje -
Na bregu je kip, u ruci mu mač.
I čuje se smeh i čuje se plač.
I vidi se Beč i vidi se Drač. REF: x3
Svečane bele košulje
zovu me sad na proslave.
Al' ja ih više ne čujem,
odlazim sama, nestajem.
Serbian Soundtracks - Chic white shirts (Английский перевод)
I've been walking through my hometown for so long.
It seems to me that the night has fallen.
My town is beautiful by day
but it's tired and it needs some sleep.
Chic white shirts are calling me
now to celebrate. But I don't hear them anymore
I'm leaving alone, I'm disappearing.
I'm climbing up to the hill to send away the darkness.Serbian Soundtracks - Svečane bele košulje -
On the hill there is a statue with a sword in its hand.
And there is laugh and there is cry.
And the view opens on Vienna and Durrës.
Chic white shirts are calling me
now to celebrate. But I don't hear them anymore
I'm leaving alone, I'm disappearing. 3x