Sektor Gaza - Chastushki
Конная милиция. - equestrian police
Становись-ка девки раком - hey, girls, stand into the doggy
Будет репетиция! - we'll start the rehearsal Я приехала в колхоз - I came in the kolkhoz (collective farm)
Имени Мичурина. Named by Michurin*
Так и знала отъебут I knew I would be f**ked
Словно сердце чуяло! - I had a feeling! Мимо тёщиного дома - I don't pass by mother-in
Я без шуток не хожу. - without jokes
То им хер в забор просуну,
То им жопу покажу! - another day show them my a*s Я на Севере была - I was on the North
Золото копала. Digged out gold
Если б не моя пизда,
С голоду пропала! - I would die from the starvation О-па, о-па, зелёная ограда, hey
Девки выебли попа Hа мосту стоял прохожий - passerby was standing on the bridge
Hа ебёну мать похожий. He ooked like a f**ked up mom
Вдруг откуда ни візьмись
Появился в рот ебись! Appeared, make a blow job! Полюбила парня я,
Да оказался без хуя.
Да на хуя ж мне без хуя,
Когда с хуем до хуя! When there's o f**king lot of with d**ks ** Как у нас на опушке - As in our forest border
Соловей ебет кукушку. The nightingale is f**king a cuckoo
Только слышно на суку: You can hear on the bough just
"Чирик, пиздык, хуяк, ку-ку!" 'chirp- chirp, f**k-f**k, cuckoo Мы с милёнком у метра - My dear and me near the metro***
Целовались до утра. Were kissing till the morning
Целовались бы ещё,
Да болит влагалищо! But the vagina is hurt! О-па, о-па, зелёная ограда, hey
Девки выебли попа А девки в озере купались, Girl were swimming in the lake
Хуй резиновый нашли. They found a rubber dildo
Целый день они ебались, they were f**king all day long
Даже в школу не пошли! They even didn't go to school Мой милёнок под забором
Хуй берёзовый нашёл.
Примеряли всем народом - All the people sized it up
Hикому не подошёл! - but it fitted to nobody А из-за леса из
Показал мужик топор. The muzhik (villiage man) showed an axeSektor Gaza - Chastushki -
Hо не просто показал:
Его к хую привязал! He tied it to the d**k Мы с милёнком целовались, My dear and me were kissing
Стоя у завалинки. Standing near the mound of earth (along the outer walls of a peasant's house)
А я стояла и ссала And I was standing and I was making pee
Ему на белы валенки! - on his white felt boot (traditional winter footwear in rural areas) О-па, о-па, срослась пизда и жопа! Hey
Этого не может быть А Маньке целочку порвали, And Manka's (this is the girl's name) hymen was ruptured
Саньку в жопу выебли. Sanka (the guy's name) was f**ked in the a*s
Опосля в рояль насрали - After all they crap on the piano
Чудно время провели! It was a great time! Мы с милёночком еблись - My dear and were f**king
В сорокоградусный мороз. It was a 40 C coldness
Жопа инеем покрылась, Our asses covered by hoarfrost
Хуй стоял, как Дед Мороз! But the d**k stood like a Santa Clause Hа Вогрэсовском мосту - On the Vogress bridge (the name of the bridge)
Церковь обокрали.The church was robbed
В жопу выебли попа - The preist was f**ked in the a*s
И в колокол насрали! And the bell was cropped on Я сосала давеча I was doing blow job not far ago
У Сергея Савича. To the Sergey Savych (this is the name of the man)
Он на вид холёненький, Oh, it looked like sleek!
А на вкус солёненький! And tasted solty! О-па, о
Девки выебли попа Помидоры, помидоры,
Помидоры, овощи. - Tomatos and vegetables
Пизда едет на кобыле, The p**ssy is riding a mare
Хуй на скорой помощи! And the d**k is driving an ambulance Полюбила хуйебина I felt in love with HuyVeyBin****
И повесила портрет. I hung up his portrait
А на утро поглядела: In the morning I checked it up
Хуй висит, а бина нет! And d**k hanged, but bin wasn't there! Мы с приятелем вдвоём My friend and me
Работали на дизеле. Were working on Diesel (I think it is about tractor on diesel engine)
Он лопух, и я лопух: the's jerk, and I'm jerk too
У нас теплушку спиздили! Our heated goods van was f**king took away Полюбила тракториста - I felt in love with the tractor driver
И, как водится, дала. And as usual made a sex with him
Три недели сиськи мыла - then I was washing my tits for 3 weeks
И соляркою ссала! And making pee О-па, о
Девки выебли попа Мне подруга дорогая пердаёт по рации: - My dear friend is telling to me by walkie
"Я без "Комбинации", как без менструации - I'm without combination like without monthly
Sektor Gaza - Chastushki (Английский перевод)
за леса выезжает - From the forest is coming out
Конная милиция. - equestrian police
style pose
Будет репетиция! - we'll start the rehearsal
Я приехала в колхоз - I came in the kolkhoz (collective farm)
Имени Мичурина. Named by Michurin*
Так и знала отъебут I knew I would be f**ked
Словно сердце чуяло! - I had a feeling!
law house
Я без шуток не хожу. - without jokes
one day put my d**k thought the fence
То им жопу покажу! - another day show them my a*s
Я на Севере была - I was on the North
Золото копала. Digged out gold
if I didn't have a p**sy
С голоду пропала! - I would die from the starvation
hop, there's a green fence
так ему и надо! Girls f**ked the priest - this was according to his merits
Hа мосту стоял прохожий - passerby was standing on the bridge
Hа ебёну мать похожий. He ooked like a f**ked up mom
like a bolt from the blue
Появился в рот ебись! Appeared, make a blow job!
I fallen in love with one boy
But it was found out he has no d**k
For what a f**k I need a guy without a d**k
Когда с хуем до хуя! When there's o f**king lot of with d**ks **
Как у нас на опушке - As in our forest border
Соловей ебет кукушку. The nightingale is f**king a cuckoo
Только слышно на суку: You can hear on the bough just
Мы с милёнком у метра - My dear and me near the metro***
Целовались до утра. Were kissing till the morning
we would be kissing more
Да болит влагалищо! But the vagina is hurt!
hop, there's a green fence
так ему и надо! Girls f**ked the priest - this was according to his merits
А девки в озере купались, Girl were swimming in the lake
Хуй резиновый нашли. They found a rubber dildo
Целый день они ебались, they were f**king all day long
Даже в школу не пошли! They even didn't go to school
My dear near the fence
found a birch dildo
Примеряли всем народом - All the people sized it up
Hикому не подошёл! - but it fitted to nobody
за гор - from the forest, from the mountains
Показал мужик топор. The muzhik (villiage man) showed an axeSektor Gaza - Chastushki -
But not just simple showed
Его к хую привязал! He tied it to the d**k
Мы с милёнком целовались, My dear and me were kissing
Стоя у завалинки. Standing near the mound of earth (along the outer walls of a peasant's house)
Ему на белы валенки! - on his white felt boot (traditional winter footwear in rural areas)
hop, The p**sy and the a*s accreted
промежуток должен быть! But it can't be so! The space between should remain
А Маньке целочку порвали, And Manka's (this is the girl's name) hymen was ruptured
Саньку в жопу выебли. Sanka (the guy's name) was f**ked in the a*s
Опосля в рояль насрали - After all they crap on the piano
Чудно время провели! It was a great time!
Мы с милёночком еблись - My dear and were f**king
В сорокоградусный мороз. It was a 40 C coldness
Жопа инеем покрылась, Our asses covered by hoarfrost
Хуй стоял, как Дед Мороз! But the d**k stood like a Santa Clause
Hа Вогрэсовском мосту - On the Vogress bridge (the name of the bridge)
Церковь обокрали.The church was robbed
В жопу выебли попа - The preist was f**ked in the a*s
И в колокол насрали! And the bell was cropped on
Я сосала давеча I was doing blow job not far ago
У Сергея Савича. To the Sergey Savych (this is the name of the man)
Он на вид холёненький, Oh, it looked like sleek!
А на вкус солёненький! And tasted solty!
па, зелёная ограда,
так ему и надо!
Tomatos, Tomatos
Помидоры, овощи. - Tomatos and vegetables
Пизда едет на кобыле, The p**ssy is riding a mare
Хуй на скорой помощи! And the d**k is driving an ambulance
Полюбила хуйебина I felt in love with HuyVeyBin****
И повесила портрет. I hung up his portrait
А на утро поглядела: In the morning I checked it up
Хуй висит, а бина нет! And d**k hanged, but bin wasn't there!
Мы с приятелем вдвоём My friend and me
Работали на дизеле. Were working on Diesel (I think it is about tractor on diesel engine)
Он лопух, и я лопух: the's jerk, and I'm jerk too
У нас теплушку спиздили! Our heated goods van was f**king took away
Полюбила тракториста - I felt in love with the tractor driver
И, как водится, дала. And as usual made a sex with him
Три недели сиськи мыла - then I was washing my tits for 3 weeks
pee with solar oil!
па, зелёная ограда,
так ему и надо!
"Я без "Комбинации", как без менструации - I'm without combination like without monthly