Sattar - Ashegh Mimoonam
Man bigharariha ro az to yaad gereftam
To saazgaariha ro az man yaad gereftee Man az to yaad gereftam jalb-e e-etemaado
To raazdaarihaaro az man yaad gerefti Deevoone-eem age hamo khoshbakht nadoonim (x2)
Aashegh boodem, aashegh hasteem, aashegh meemoonim (x2) Do taa aashegheem kenaar-e ham mast az aasheghi
Dotaayee ke nemikeshan dast az aasheghiSattar - Ashegh Mimoonam -
(X2) Sarnevesht-e mano to baa ham gereh khordeh
Yeki nabaashe oon yeki az ghosseh mordeh Vaaghtee do taa joon tooy-e ye ghaleb jaa gerefteh
Vaghtee khodaa mano to ram be ham resoondeh Deevoone-eem age hamo khoshbakht nadoonim (x2)
Aashegh boodem, aashegh hasteem, aashegh meemoonim (x2)
Sattar - Ashegh Mimoonam (Английский перевод)
You taught me eagerness
I taught you patience
You taught me dependability
I taught you caution
It would be madness not to think of ourselves as being privileged
We were in love, we are in love, we will stay in love
Do taa aashegheem kenaar-e ham mast az aasheghi
Two people who would never stop being in love
Our fates are intertwined
Without one, the other will die of sorrow
When two souls are in the same body
When God brought us together
It would be madness not to think of ourselves as being privileged
We were in love, we are in love, we will stay in love
Sattar - Ashegh Mimoonam -