Sasa Matic - Reskiraj
Reskiraj, ove noci poveruj
da je ljubav dosla sama
reskiraj, padni mi u zagrljaj
ko da znas me godinama Reskiraj, poveri mi nocas sve
svoje male zenske tajne
strahove, istine, zelje potajne Ref.
Stavi, stavi na mene sve
ruke usne, miris tvoj
nije vazno koji sam po reduSasa Matic - Reskiraj -
al' srecan sam ti broj Stavi, stavi na mene sve
ko sam, sta sam ne pitaj
reci necu, odigraj na srecu
sa mnom reskiraj Reskiraj, ove noci poveruj
da je doslo vreme cuda
reskiraj, ove ruke meni daj
pusti da te vodim svuda Reskiraj, poveri mi nocas sve
svoje male zenske tajne
strahove, istine, zelje potajne
Sasa Matic - Take a risk (Английский перевод)
Take a risk, this night believe
that love came by itself
take a risk, 'fall' in my arms
like you know me for years
Take a risk, confide my tonight all
your little women secrets
fears, truths, secret wishes
Put, put everything on me
Hands, lips, your smell
it doesn't matter which I am 'by order'Sasa Matic - Reskiraj -
but I am your lucky number
Put, put everything on me
don't ask who I am, what I am
say 'I don't want', 'play' on luck
with me take a risk
Take a risk, this night believe
that miracle time came
take a risk, give me this hands
let me guide you everywhere
Take a risk, confide my tonight all
your little women secrets
fears, truths, secret wishes