Sasa Kovacevic - Bolji covek
Nocu me ubije
sto preko dana pravim se da sam jak
padam na kolena
tek kada nigde nikog nema
kad sam sam Nocu me dobije
cudan osecaj da tonem na dno
da kako udjem u sobi je
sve ono ruzno sto sam tebi rekao Vise nikad sebi ne bih pustioSasa Kovacevic - Bolji covek -
tako lako da nas prodam jeftino Ref.
Znam da ne verujes da sam bolji covek sad
mozda i nisam, ne znam
al' ne mogu bez tebe ja
vise dan ni jedan Vidim te u svemu sto je nase bilo
tiho kajem se
zbog tebe bolji covek
nekoj drugoj postajem
Sasa Kovacevic - Better Man (Английский перевод)
It kills me at night
that I'm pretending to be strong at daytime
I'm falling on my knees
when nobody is around
when I'm alone
At night the strange feeling
that I'm falling to the bottom gets me
that when i come in the room
everything bad I told you is there
I would never let myself againSasa Kovacevic - Bolji covek -
to sell us easily at so low price
But I cant be without you
anymore (lit. cant be without you for a day anymore)
I see you in everything that was ours
I'm repenting in the silence
Better man because of you
I'm becoming for someone else
I know you dont believe I'm better man now
maybe I'm not, I dont know