Samira Said - Ana Kter 3alek
Ana Kter 3alek O E7sasy Bek Kan Ne3ma O Da3et Mn Edek Ana Kter 3alek O Begd Ana 2stas3'rt Nafsy Be 7oby Leek 3arft El-Nahrda En Kan Mad7ok 3alya 3arft En Sabry 3alek Begd Ehana Laya Da Kan 7oby Leek Zman Howa El-3eb Ele Faya O Kan 7oby Leek Howa El-7aga El-7elwa Ele Feek Delw2ty 7asa Eny Ma3ak Day3t Wa2t Kan 2albe 3'altan O Sala7 3'alteto Makontesh Fe Wa3eyy O El-Nahrda Lama Fo2t LA2et En 7obak Laya Zay 2eletoSamira Said - Ana Kter 3alek -
Samira Said - I'm Too Much For You (Английский перевод)
I am too much for you and the feelings I had for you were a blessing that you lost
I am too much for you and I had put myself last in the relationship
I now know that I was a joke
I found out that my patience with you was a betrayal to myself
My love for you in the past was my only fault
And my love for you was the only beautiful thing about you
Now I feel that I had wasted time on you
My heart was wrong, but now she has made her wrong right
I was not awake, but today I have snapped out of it
I found that your love for me is not enough
Samira Said - Ana Kter 3alek -