Šaban Šaulić - Milicu Stojan voleo
Milicu Stojan voleo
sve sto je imao prodao
da bi bogatoj Milici
zlatnu haljinu kupio Stojan plati haljinu
i ode pravo na kapiju
Milica place, molim teŠaban Šaulić - Milicu Stojan voleo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/saban-saulic/milicu-stojan-voleo-lyrics-english-translation.html
ne daj me drugom Stojane Bogat nece Stojana
i puce puska tanana
pogodi lepu Milicu prostreli srce Stojanu Majka zakuka, uze haljinu
Stojana sa njom pokriva i svoju kcerku jedinu Bog ih sastavi kroz suze majka iz usti
zagrli decu voljenu
za njima dusu ispusti
Šaban Šaulić - Stojan Loved Milica (Английский перевод)
Stojan loved Milica
everything that he has he sold it
So for the rich Milica
could buy a gold dress
Stojan has payed the dress
and gone right to the doorway
Milic is crying, PleaseŠaban Šaulić - Milicu Stojan voleo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/saban-saulic/milicu-stojan-voleo-lyrics-english-translation.html
don't give me to noone else Stojan
the rich one don't want Stojan
And a thin gun fired,
It hit the beautiful Milica
pierced the heart of Stojan
the mother has wailed, and took the dress
Stojana covers with it (the dress) her only daughter
God brought them together through the tears of the mother
hug the loved children
And wanted to die for them