Romica Puceanu - Oare cum sa te cred ?
Lasati-ma in noaptea asta,
Ca vreau sa-mi petrec,
Nu vreau sa fac vreo minune,
Nu vreau sa gresesc.
Lasati-ma in noaptea asta,
Sa ma gandesc cu ea,
Ca vrea sa stau din nou la masa,
(La) care-am stat cu ea. Oare cum sa cred, c-ai plecat de langa mine,
Eu nu pot sa cred, pe brate la nu stiu cine,
N-as putea sa cred, unde sa te caut?
Oare cum sa cred, c-ai plecat de langa mine,
N-as putea sa cred, pe brate la nu stiu cine,Romica Puceanu - Oare cum sa te cred ? -
Eu nu pot sa cred, nu pot sa te pierd. Nu pot sa cred nici acuma, ca tu ai plecat,
Fara sa gandesti o clipa la tot ce-ai lasat.
Imi aduc aminte bine de tot ce-mi spuneai,
Vorbele noastre frumoase, cand tu ma iubeai. Oare cum sa cred, c-ai plecat de langa mine,
Eu nu pot sa cred, pe brate la oare cine,
N-as putea sa cred, unde sa te caut?.
Oare cum sa cred, c-ai plecat de langa mine,
N-as putea sa cred, pe brate la nu stiu cine,
Eu nu pot sa cred, unde sa te caut? Unde sa te caut? Eu nu pot sa cred
Ca am sa te pierd
N-as putea sa cred ca am sa te pierd.
Romica Puceanu - How shall I believe you really ? (Английский перевод)
Leave me alone tonight,
As I want to spend it here,
I don't want to do any miracle,
I don't want to go wrong.
Leave me alone tonight,
Let me think about her,
That she wants me to stay at the table again,
(At) which once I stayed with her.
How shall I believe really, as you went away from me,
I can't believe , who knows in whose arms,
I couldn't have believed , where would I look for you?
How can I believe really, as you went away from me,
I couldn't have believed , who knows in whose arms,Romica Puceanu - Oare cum sa te cred ? -
I can't believe , I can't lose you.
I can not believe even now that you have gone,
Without thinking a moment about all that you left.
I remember well all that you were telling me,
Our beautiful words, when once you loved me.
How shall I believe really, as you went away from me,
I can't believe, in whose arms really,
I couldn't have believed, where would I look for you?
How can I believe really, as you went away from me,
I couldn't have believed, who knows in whose arms,
I can't believe , where shall I look for you?
Where shall I look for you? I can not believe,
That I'll lose you.
I could not have believed that I'll lose you.