Ro-Mania - Crasmarita
Crasmarita din Buzau
Ptiu! Batute-ar Dumnezeu
Inima mi-ai pus pe foc
Pace nu mai am deloc
Mi-ai dat ieri gurite lin si farmece-n plin
Mi-ai umplut ulcelele
Zau dorule, zau
Sa-mi manance zilele
Zau dorule, zau
Mi-ai umplut ulcelele
Zau dorule, zau
Sa-mi manance zilele
Zau dorule, zau In fiecare seara te gandesti la ea
Mandra ti-e departe o vei astepta
O viata o astepti cu dor
Sa vina iar la mine, sa vina in pridvor
Incotro apuci tot la ea apuci
Mandra, mult o mai doresti
Esti indragostit
Nu stiu ce-ai patit
Vai! Mandra o iubesti
De trei zile s-a dusRo-Mania - Crasmarita -
Tot la ea ma duc
Ca pe jar ma perpelesc
Sunt indragostit
Nu stiu ce-am patit
Mandro, mult te mai iubesc Refren... Hei bade! Zau ca nu-i de tine
Lasa mandra-n pace, lasa ca nu tine
Uita-te la ea, poate te iubeste
De mai multa vreme ea te-nnebuneste
De trei zile stai, inima ti-o dai
Ai innebunit de tot
Focul vrei sa-l stingi
Mai ramane-aprins
Mult o mai iubesti
De trei zile stau, inima ti-o dau
Am innebunit de tot
Focul vreau sa-l sting
Mai ramane-aprins
Mandro rau ma perpelesc
De trei zile stau, inima ti-o dau
Am innebunit de tot
Focul vreau sa-l sting
Mai ramane-aprГЇns
Mandro rau ma perpelesc Refren...
Ro-Mania - Crasmarita (Английский перевод)
Bar keeper from Buzau [a city in Romania]
Phew! God damn you
You put my heart on fire
I don't have peace anymore
Yesteday you gave me plenty kisses and spells
You filled my decanters
To consume my days
Zau dorule, zau
Mi-ai umplut ulcelele
Zau dorule, zau
Sa-mi manance zilele
Zau dorule, zau
Every night you think of her
Your darling is far'll wait for her
Missing her you'll wait an entire life
To come bavk to me,to come back on my porch
Anywhere you go towards her
You want your darling a lot
you're in love
I don't know what happened to you
Oh! You love your darling
She's gone for 3 days nowRo-Mania - Crasmarita -
But I still go to her
I'm rosting on the grill
I'm in love
I don't know what happened with me
Darling I love you so much
Hei laddie! really she's not for you
Leave her alone,she's not for you
Look at her,maybe she loves you
She's driving you crazy for a while now
For 3 days now you give you heart away
You've gone totally crazy
You want to put out the fire
But it stays lit
You love her a lot
For 3 days now I give you my heart
I've gone completely mad
I want to extinguish the fire
It still stays lit
Darling I'm waisting away
For 3 days now I give you my heart
I've gone completely mad
I want to extinguish the fire
It still stays lit
Darling I'm waisting away