Riblja Corba - Amerika i Engleska
Pazi Mirko metak
Hvala ti Slavko
spasio si mi život Španska čizma imperijalizma
uz pomoć kulturnog terorizma
zajmova, kredita i raznih satelita
permanentno blate ugled Druga Tita Kataklizma, komunizma
kataklizma, komunizma Svi dobro vide a niko da prizna
klimu rasizma i liberalizma
side i homoseksualizma
sve su to produkti kapitalizma Kataklizma, komunizma
kataklizma, komunizma Lošije danas za bolje sutra
ponavljaju meni od jutra do jutra
bez takve žrtve Amerika i Engleska
nikada neće postati zemlja proleterska Ref.
Amerika i Engleska
biće zemlja proleterska
Amerika i Engleska
neće biti zemlja proleterska Partizani, mi smo braća
a drug Rambo nam je ćaća
i Japan će ovih dana
bit' u ruke narkomana Kataklizma, komunizmaRiblja Corba - Amerika i Engleska - http://ru.motolyrics.com/riblja-corba/amerika-i-engleska-lyrics-english-translation.html
kataklizma, komunizma Neprijatelj kleti iz straha i sadizma
uporno ruši temelj komunizma
stanimo na rep imperijalizmu
povratimo ugled socijalizmu Kataklizma, komunizma
kataklizma, komunizma Lošije danas za bolje sutra
ponavljaju meni od jutra do jutra
bez takve žrtve Amerika i Engleska
neće postati zemlja proleterska Ref. Ne daj se, Ines
ne daj se godinama, moja Ines Bila jednom jedna baba
nije znala šta sa radi
dosadan joj bio život Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma
Kataklizma, komunizma Last edited by on 21.07.2013 13:08 Video Translations of "Amerika i Engleska (duet Rambo Amadeus)" - 0 - 0 Comments or to post comments January 26th, 2013 Video
Riblja Corba - America and England (Английский перевод)
watch out Mirko,a bullet
thank you Slavko
you saved my life
spanish boot of imperialism
with a support of civilised terrorism
advances,loans and diverse attendants
permanently muck a reputation of Marshal Tito
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism
everyone see clearly and no one wants to admit
the clime of racism and liberalism
aids and homosexualism
they're all products of capitalism
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism
worse today for better tomorrow
they repeat to me from dusk till down
without sacrifice like that America and England
won't ever become a proletarian land
America and England
will be a proletarian land
America and England
won't be a proletarian land
partisans were the brothers
and our buddy Rambo is our fatherRiblja Corba - Amerika i Engleska - http://ru.motolyrics.com/riblja-corba/amerika-i-engleska-lyrics-english-translation.html
and Japan will be one of this days
in the hands of addicts
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism
damned enemies 'cause of fear and sadism
frowardly tear down the foundation of communism
we should step on a tail of imperialism
and return the reputation of socialism
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism
worse today for better tomorrow
they repeat to me from dusk till down
without sacrifice like that America and England
won't ever become a proletarian land
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism
worse today for better tomorrow
they repeat to me from dusk till down
without sacrifice like that America and England
won't ever become a proletarian land
stay strong, Ines
stay strong through years, my Ines
there was once an old lady
she didn't know what to do
her life was so dull
cataclysm of communism
cataclysm of communism