Renata Sabljak - Taj drugi svijet
Flounder:Ariel, a je l' sve u redu?
Ariel : Kad bi me samo mogao razumijeti.
Ja jednostavno ne vidim stvari njegovim očima.
Ne shvaćam kako bi svijet tako prekrasnih stvari mogao biti tako loš. Gledaj sve to, predmeta sto
Rekli bi svi divna zbirka je to
Rekli bi svi da sam ja cura što ima sve
Pogledaj to, raskoš i sjaj
Tisuća čuda taj i skriveni raj
Sigurno rekli bi svi
Da, ona ima sve Vrijednih spravica imam na kile
Sjajnih stvarčica, ne znam ni broj
Sve te trice su, da, meni mile
Ali znam, prava stvar nije to Ljudski bih svijet htjela vidjet jaRenata Sabljak - Taj drugi svijet -
Vidjeti njih kako trče, plešu
Hodaju na onim... Kako se zovu? Aha, Noge
Ne možeš to sa perajama
S nogama mogla bih trčat, plesat, šetati svud, vidjet...
Kako se ono kaže? Grad Htjela bih ja zemlju iz sna gdje svijetlo sunca ljudima sja
Za mene raj bio bi taj, taj drugi svijet O, kakav san bar jedan dan meni po mjeri
Pješčani žal nosi mi val zanosa mog
Ja želim to posjetit tlo tu gdje ne kore svoje kćeri
Mlade žene koje žele krenut u svijet Sad spremna sam ja za taj ljudski svijet
Ono što ne znam, ja njih ću pitat
Što je vatra i što je to čudna riječ "plam"? Počiću, znam
Blizu je dan kad ću iz mora izaći van
Pronaći taj daleki raj, taj drugi svijet
Renata Sabljak - That Other World (Английский перевод)
Flounder: Ariel, is everything ok?
Ariel: If he could just understand me.
I simply just don't see the way he sees things.
I don't understand how a world with the most beautiful things can be so bad.
Look at all of this, a hundred things
Everyone would say that that's a wonderful collection
Everyone would say that I'm a girl who has everything
Take a look at that, luxury and shine
A hundred wonders and a hidden heaven
Everyone would probably say
Sure, she's got everything
I have valuable gadgets in kilos
Sparkly gimcracks, don't even know the amount in numbers
All of these chaffs are, yes, dear to me
But I know, the right thing is not that
I want to see the human worldRenata Sabljak - Taj drugi svijet -
To see how they're running, dancing
Walking on those... What are they called? Oh, Feet
You can't do that with fins
With legs you can run, dance, strolling everywhere, seeing...
How do you say that? City
I want a world from a dream, where the shining sun shines on the people
For me heaven would be just that, that other world
Oh, what kind of dream, at least one day measures me
The sandy beach carries to me my wave of enthusiasm
I wish to see the land where they don't reprimand their daughters
A young woman who wishes to go into the world
Now I'm ready for that human world
That of what I don't know, I will ask them
What's a fire and what is that strange word "flame"?
I'll start, I know
The day when I will get out from the sea is getting closer
To find that far away heaven, that other world