君が願ってるよりも 君はもう僕の全部で
どうぞお望みとあらば お好きに切り刻んでよ
今ならば流れる 血も全部 その目からこぼれる涙は 落ちるにはもったいないから
意味がなくならないように そのコップに溜めといてよ
それを全部 飲み干して みたいよ 閉じ込めたその涙には
人を人足らしめる全てが詰まっていて 触れたら壊れてしまいそうで
偉大な歴史の一部を残すように 僕は歌う その口から落ちる言葉は どこまでも真ん中目指して
深く突き刺さらぬように 身をよじってかわす僕です この絶望も希望も思い出も 平穏も機微も快楽も
てっぺんも奈落も狂乱も全ては君の指揮次第で 今日もその手のひらで好きに踊ろうと思うよ
どうせならば とびきりの スウィングを 飛ばされて降り立った国に
今なら過不足なく 愛を説けるでしょう 触れたら壊れてしまいそうで
触れなきゃ崩れてしまいそうなRADWIMPS - BLESS ( ブレス) - http://ru.motolyrics.com/radwimps/bless-lyrics-english-translation.html
万物にわたる定理を残すように 僕は歌う おさがりのキスでも 使い古しの愛してるも
触れてしまったんだ 壊れてしまわぬように
そっとぎゅっと抱きしめた 触れたら壊れてしまいそうで
壊れても拾い集めるよ いいだろ 触れなきゃ今すぐこの手で
壊さぬように 崩れぬように
育つように 始まるように 僕は歌う 『ありがとう』
RADWIMPS - BLESS (Английский перевод)
you're my everything, much more than you wish you are
you can chop me up as you like, if you want to
if now, flooding blood and all
the tears rolling down from your eyes are too beautiful to fall
so please, not to lose their meanings, save them in the cup
and I want to drink to the last drop
the tears shut in your eyes
are filled with everything that makes a human a human
if I touch you, you would hurt
if I don't touch you, you would collapse
so, I just stand here and watch over you
like handing down a part of great history, I sing
the words falling from your lips, running right to the point
not to stick deep in my heart, I twist myself and sway
this despair, and hope, and memories, and peace, and subtleties, and the pleasures,
tops, and bottoms, and the madness, are all at your conductions
even today, I'll dance in your hands as I like to
I'd rather dance than I ever done, and do the best swing
if I be flown, land some country
now I can teach love, not too much, not too little
if I touch you, you would hurt
if I don't touch you, you would collapseRADWIMPS - BLESS ( ブレス) - http://ru.motolyrics.com/radwimps/bless-lyrics-english-translation.html
so, I just stand here and watch over you
like handing down the theorem applying all things, I sing
even a hand-me-down kiss, or a worn-out "I love you"
they are precious to me, you said and smiled, and down your cheek
two lines running are calling me
I touched you, not to hurt you
I hugged you softly and tightly
if I touch you, you would hurt
if I don't touch you, you would collapse
still, I reach for you
if you collapse, I'll gather you
if I touch you, you would hurt
if I don't touch you, you would collapse
I want to touch the whole of you
not to hurt you, mot to collapse you
to grow, to start something
I will sing
"I thank you"