Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien
The breath of the morning
I keep forgetting
The smell of the warm summer air
I live in a town
Where you can't smell a thing
You watch your feet
For cracks in the pavement
Up above
Aliens hover
Making home movies
For the folks back home
Of all these weird creatures
Who lock up their spirits
Drill holes in themselves
And live for their secrets
They're all uptightRadiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien -
Uptight.. (x7)
I wish that they'd swoop down in a country lane
Late at night when I'm driving
Take me on board their beautiful ship
Show me the world as I'd love to see it
I'd tell all my friends
But they'd never believe
They'd think that I'd finally lost it completely
I'd show them the stars
And the meaning of life
They'd shut me away
But I'd be all right
All right..
I'm just uptight
Uptight.. (x7)
Radiohead - Podzemni nostalgicni vanzemaljac (Сербский перевод)
Dah jutra
Uporno zaboravljam
Miris toplog letnjeg vazduha
Zivim u gradu
Gde se ne moze osetiti miris
Pazis na svoja stopala
Zbog pukotina u asfaltu
Gore iznad
Vanzemaljci lebde
Snimaju kucne filmove
Za ljude kod kuce
Od svih tih cudnih stvorenja
Koja zakljucavaju svoje duhove
Buse rupe u sebi
I zive za svoje tajne
Oni su svi napetiRadiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien -
Voleo bih da kidisu dole na seoski put
Kasno nocu dok vozim
Ukrcaju me na njihov prelepi brod
Pokazu mi svet onako kako bih voleo da ga vidim
Rekao bih sve mojim prijateljima
Ali mi nikad ne bi poverovali
Mislili bi da sam konacno potpuno izgubljen
Pokazao bih im zvezde
I znacenje zivota
Oni bi me zatvorili
Ali ja bih bio u redu
U redu..
Ja sam samo napet