Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
I am the key to the lock in your house
That keeps your toys in the basement
And if you get too far inside
You'll only see my reflection
It's always best when the light is off
I am the pick in the ice
Do not cry out or hit the alarm
You know we're friends till we die
And either way you turn
I'll be there
Open up your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the walls
It's always best when the light is off
Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls -
It's always better on the outside
Fifteen blows to the back of your head
Fifteen blows to your mind
So lock the kids up safe tonight
Put the eyes in the cupboard
I've got the smell of a local man
Who's got the loneliest feeling
That either way he turns
I'll be there
Open up your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the walls
Climbing up the walls
Climbing up the walls
Radiohead - Duvarlara Tırmanmak (Турецкий перевод)
Evini kilitleyen anahtarım ben
Oyuncaklarını bodrumda kilitli tutan
Ve eğer çok içine girersen
Sadece yansımamı göreceksin
Mumlar sönükken en iyisi,
Buzdaki çatlağım ben
Feryat etme, alarm verme
Ölene kadar dostuz, biliyorsun
Her halukarda dönersin
Orada olurum ben
Açarsın kafatasını
Orada olurum benRadiohead - Climbing Up The Walls -
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