Puya - yeu yeu yeu
as vrea sa va vad morti
sa va aduc flori la mormant
no sa'mi para rau
pentru toti comunisti astia care tre sa moara
in p**a mea
ca noi sa traim (dada)
ne'am saturat de voi
(You boring us)
nu mai muriti in p**a mea
va imping io daca nu Vreau toti comunisti ingropati
Langa Ceausescu,Elena si ceilalti
Nu vorbesc de orientare politica
II rau
Sunt ca niste roboti
N'au loc in timpu meu
2009 faceti in p**a mea loc
Generatia noastra nu vrea al doilea loc
Peste tot ma lovesc de ei
Mai ales
Cand televizorul il pornesc
Domni compozitori din brigada veche
Slagarele voastre
Sunt un stres pentru ureche
Va laudati cu succese
Trecute de mult
Atunci cand doar pe voi
Aveam voie sa va ascult
Ii vad in profesoru din scoala
Militieni de peste tot din tara
Ca o boala
Ati vrea sa contaminati
Ordinea si disciplina
Vreti sa o instaurati yeu yeu yeu Refren X2 Vreau sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Un derbedeu
Cum vreau yeu yeu yeu
Lasati'ma sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Asa cum vreau yeu yeu yeu M**e militienilor din politie
Ce anchete ?
Au aceleasi invechite retete
In sectii sange pe perete
Condamnati sunt la plan
Din ce in ce mai corupti
In fiecare an
Ai 17
Parinti te vor la scoala
Munca'i bratara de aur
Auzea'i odinioara
Iei o tigara
Putin hasis
Acum platina'i la moda
Pe bratari de aurPuya - yeu yeu yeu - http://ru.motolyrics.com/puya/yeu-yeu-yeu-lyrics-english-translation.html
Io ma pis
Orice fish de Matasari
Are studente la combinatie
Pe multi bani
Tineri din ziua de azi
Nu au respect
Asta'i locu pe care ni la'ti creat
Nu vreau sa calcam pe urmele voastre
Avem vietile noastre
Cu zile nefaste
As vrea sa vin la inmormantarea voastra
Adio bai securistilor (Sifoane imputite) Refren X2 Cedry2k Vreau sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Un derbedeu
Cum vreau yeu yeu yeu
Lasati'ma sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Asa cum vreau yeu yeu yeu Muncind pentru nimic
In frig si foame
Inveti rapid sa vezi adevaru critic
La 10 oameni de milioane
Pe care ii cunosc
Ma lovesc de alte 10 milioane
De lighioane ce se târãsc
Sifoane ce te pârãsc
Si dau vina pe ghinioane
Doamne!..Ii urasc
Cand vad pe toti cum vin bãsiti
La comisioane
E cel putin dubios
Cum sa nu fi furios
Pe aceeasti trepadusi
Care au chemat minerii
Aceeasi catelusi
Care cheama hingherii
Nu vor rappa TV
Da'ti dau numai mizerii
Alese dupa ,ei stiu
Ce cact de criterii
Ati tunat 30 de ani
Macar acu sa ? in sloboz
Ba muistilor
Faceti milioane
Da nu faceti un leu
Ca'mi sugeti sangele
Davas sa sugeti pe leu Refren Cedry2k Vreau sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Un derbedeu
Cum vreau yeu yeu yeu
Lasati'ma sa fiu yeu yeu yeu
Asa cum vreau yeu yeu yeu
Puya - yeu yeu yeu (Английский перевод)
I would like to see dead
to bring flowers to grave
not me sorry
for all those communists who have to die
the ****
that we live (yes yes)
we are tired of you
not die in my ****
will not you push me
I buried all communists
Near Ceausescu, Elena and others
Do not talk policy guidance
Its bad
They are like robots
Not occur in my time
2009 **** you in place
Our generation does not want second place
Everywhere I hit them
When im start the TV
Gentlemen composers of old brigade
Slagarele your
I am a stress on the ear
We laudati with success
Long past
When you only
I was allowed to listen
Im see the teacher in school
Militia from all over the country
As a disease
You want to contaminate
Order and discipline
Want to established
me me me
Refren X2
I want to be me me me
A scoundrel
How I want it I
Let me be yêu yêu yêu
As I I I I
Blowjob militia in the police
What investigation?
Have the same old recipes
In blood on the wall sections
Are convicted in the plan
Increasingly corrupt
Every year
Have 17
Parents at the school will
Work its gold bracelet
Its once heard
Take a cigarette
Some hashish
Now in its platinum fashion
The gold braceletsPuya - yeu yeu yeu - http://ru.motolyrics.com/puya/yeu-yeu-yeu-lyrics-english-translation.html
Io me kitty
Any fish of Matasari
Are students to mix
On the money
Young people today
There was respect
That is we live on in your created
I do not want to step on your tracks
We have our lives
Days with negative
I want to come to your funeral
Goodbye securistilor bathrooms
(Sifoane imputed)
Refren X2
I want to be me me me
A scoundrel
How I want it I
Let me be me me me
As I I I I
Working for nothing
In cold and hungry
Quickly learn to see the truth critic
Coane '
At 10 million people
I know that
I hit the other 10 million
What is the beast crawl
Sifoane what you PARASCA
And blame it on bad luck
God! I hate ..
I see everyone how bãsiti Friday
La commission
Is at least questionable
How not to be angry
On aceeasti courier
Who called the miners
Same puppies
What name hingherii
Tv will not Rapp
Yes only give you garbage
After, they know
What criteria cact
You thunderous 30 years
Even now to? in Slobozia
You cocksucker
Make a million
Do not give a lion
As my blood sugeti
I give the lion to sugeti
Refren Cedry2k
me me me
I want to be me me me
How hard I want it I
Let me be me me me
Or take your hook