Psihomodo Pop - Volim crtane filmove
Volim Mickey Mousea
Volim Pink Panthera
Volim Tommyja i Jerryja
Volim Silju i Plutona Volim crtane filmove
Blentone i Strumpfove
Zelim ici u Disneyland
Zelim sanjati Wonderland O, o, volim crtane
O, o, volim crtane
O, o, filmove, o, o Necu jesti bebimix
Necu biti ObelixPsihomodo Pop - Volim crtane filmove -
Zelim biti Petar Pan
Zelim letjeti cijeli dan Volim crtane stripove
Kaubojske i svemirske
Volim macka Garfielda
He-mana i Batmana Volim crtane filmove
Blentone i Strumpfove
Zelim ici u Disneyland
Zelim sanjati Wonderland O, o, volim crtane
O, o, volim crtane
O, o, filmove, o, o
Psihomodo Pop - I Love Cartoons (Английский перевод)
I love Mickey Mouse
I love Pink Panther
I love Tommy and Jerry
I love Goofy and Pluto
I love cartoons
The Blentons and Smurfs
I want to go to Disneyland
I want to dream about Wonderland
O,o, I love cartoons
O,o, I love cartoons
O,o, movies, o,o
I want eat bebimix
I won't be ObelixPsihomodo Pop - Volim crtane filmove -
I want to be Peter Pan
All day long I want to fly around
I love cartoon comics
Cowboy and Space ones
I love Garfield the cat
He-man and Batman
I love cartoons
The Blentons and Smurfs
I want to go to Disneyland
I want to dream about Wonderland
O,o, I love cartoons
O,o, I love cartoons
O,o, movies, o,o