Profethu - Sa Va Rugati Sa Mor
imi fac reclama sunt cel mai bun dintre cei vii
acei docid ma stii,orice poober mc'incerci sa fii ce nu esti
ma detesti k eu sunt,detesti ce cant da nu-ti displace drace sunt unic pe pamant
vrei tehnica iti dau tehnica vrei lirica iti dau lirica
dar trebuie sa suporti ca bonus si umoristica mea cinica
mi s-a spus k nu am sanse sa devin cineva prin vers
nici nu-mi doresc incerc sa cresc,ca am invatat sa invat din mers
ales de divinitate ca unic profet pe aici iti prezic numai de bine
viitoru tau e chici,zici prin lume k ma stii m-ai cunoscut la un gazon
eu n'am gustat nici nicotina na pas possible mon garcon
am trecut peste tentatii a fost greu da mi'a iesit n'am cautat modele in altii
si d-asta n'am fost prea iubit raman cu ai mei caci doar cu ei profetu rupe lumea
eu vand idei se vand in draci sunt calde ca si painea refren: x2 ati ajuns sa va rugati de mine
in cor sa mor,dar va ignor
si o sa va injur avand in groapa un picior
ma strecor agil prin viata
in urma nu las nici o urmaProfethu - Sa Va Rugati Sa Mor -
ritmu asta moartea ori ma uita ori ma amana m-ati acuzat si condamnat,in lipsa ma intreb oare de ce
sunt vinovat k am molestat pervers mai multe cantece
m-ati acuzat k nu detin minime purtari alese sunt vinovat
cei 7 ani de acasa i-am petrecut pe la metrese
m-ati acuzat k beau prea mult exista urmari tragice
sunt vinovat o recunosc ca adept al licorilor bahice
m-ati acuzat si condamnat pentru limbajul trivial
sunt vinovat ca sa ma asculti ai nevoie de acordul parental
m-ati acuzat k m-am dedat la jaf k n'am constinta
sunt vinovat nu va suport deci va fur cu buna stiinta
m-ati acuzat premeditat k as vrea sa subminez puterea
sunt vinovat k i-am tocat metodic statului averea
m-ati acuzat si condamnat cu pedeapsa maxima
sunt vinovat k v-am flegmat decis in ochi cu patima
m-ati acuzat si condamnat de multe pai multe am facut
sunt vinovat in mare parte si viata e doar la inceput
Profethu - Pray for me to die (Английский перевод)
I advertise for myself, I am the best man alive
those "docid" , any poober mc knows me, you try to be who you are not
You detest me because I am, you detest what I sing, but you don't dislike it, damn, I am unique on this earth
do you want techno I give you techno, do you want lyrics, I give you lyrics
but you have to accept as a bonus my cinic humour
I was told I had no chance to become someone through my lyrics
I don't even have that desire, I try to grow, 'cause I learned to learn things on the fly
chosen by God as the only prophet around here, I fortell only good things for you
your future is fake, you say around that you have met me at a greensward
I haven't even tasted nicotine, it's not possible, man
I got over temptations, it was hard, but I made it, I haven't look for rolemodels
and that's why I wasn't loved that much, I stay with my people because only with them the prophet rules the world
I sell ideas, they sell so good, they are as hot as bread
refren: you've come to the point of begging me
all together, I'll be damned
and I'm gonna curse you with one leg in the grave
I squeeze my way through this life
I leave no trace behindProfethu - Sa Va Rugati Sa Mor -
like this, death is either forgetting or postponing me
you've accused me and sentenced me in my absence, I wonder why
I am guilty for perversely molesting several songs
you've accused me of not having the most remote noble behaviour
I've lost my first 7 years (of education) with mistresses
you've accused me of drinking too much, there are tragic consequences to that
I am guilty, I admit I am a wine consumer
you've accused me and sentenced me for my slang
I am guilty, in order to listen to me you need parental permission
you've accused me of robbery and of not having a conscience
I am guilty, I can't stand you, so I am intentionally robbing you
you've premeditatedly accused me of undermining the power
I am guilty for methodically wasting the state's patrimony
you've accused me and sentenced me to the maximum penalty
I am guilty for inveterately spitting in your eyes
you've accused and sentenced me of several things, well, I've done a lot of things
I am guilty mostly, and life is just beginning