Prljavo Kazaliste - Heroj Ulice
Uvijek sam zelio biti heroj
ne kao James Bond, prokleti tajni agent
zelio sam biti heroj, heroj ulice
bar jedan dan, djevojko, bar jedan sat Uvijek sam sanjao da je neko drugo vrijeme
ja bih bio Romeo, a ti Juliet
uvijek sam sanjao da sam ja herojPrljavo Kazaliste - Heroj Ulice -
koji ce promijeniti bas citavi svijet Ref.
Prisiljen da razmisljam
ja shvatio sam sve
nisam rodjen da budem heroj
o ne, ne, ne
Prljavo Kazaliste - Road Heros (Английский перевод)
I always wished to be a hero
not like James Bond, greedy secret agent
Wished to be a hero, road hero
just one day, girl, just one hour
I always dreamed that it was some other time
I would be romeo and you Juliet
Always dreamed I was a hero
Who will change the world
persuaded to think
I understood everythingPrljavo Kazaliste - Heroj Ulice -
(I) wasn't born to be a hero
oh, no, no, no
I always wished to be a hero
not like James Bond, greedy secret agent
Wished to be a road hero
just one day, just one hour
I always dreamed that it was some other time
I would be romeo and you Juliet
I would be romeo and you Juliet