Pliatsikas Filippos - Eimaste
Είμαστε ψυχές που αμαρτήσανε
καρδιές που δε σκιρτήσανε
φιλιά που δε χαρήκαν τη φωτιά τους.
Ζαριές που όλα τα χάσανε
και τρένα που δε φτάσανε
παιδιά που δε γνωρίσαν τη μαμά τους. Αθώοι που τους ρίξανε
τσιγάρα που πατήσανε
τραγούδια που δεν είπανε ακόμα.
Δώρα που τα δωρίσανε
και σπίτια που γκρεμίσανε
λουλούδια που τα σκέπασε το χώμα. Είμαστε δέντρα που καιγόμαστε,
αστέρια που χανόμαστε,
ματιές που συναντιόνται από συνήθεια.Pliatsikas Filippos - Eimaste -
Είμαστε φώτα που τα σβήσανε
κορμιά που δεν τ' αγγίξανε
φωνές που αποφεύγουν την αλήθεια. Ποτά που δεν τα ήπιανε
και πόνος που δεν γλύκανε
μια τρύπα που δε κλείνει μες στο δρόμο.
Ζωή που δε τη ζήσανε
ποτάμι που βρομίσανε
παράνομοι με όπλο μας το νόμο. Χέρια που δεν αγκάλιασαν
νερά που δεν καθάρισαν
φεγγάρι που δε φώτισε τη νύχτα.
Θεός που δε λατρεύτηκε
πληγή που δε γιατρεύτηκε
αγάπη που δεν είπε καληνύχτα. Submitter's comments: Lyrics by Kolokotronis Nikos, Music by Pliatsikas Filippos, Album: Mpalarines Epitrepontai
Pliatsikas Filippos - We are (Английский перевод)
We are souls that sinned
hearts that did not flink
kisses that didn't enjoy their fire.
Rolls of dices that lost everything
and trains that didn't arrive
children who didn't meet their mother.
Innocents who got dumped
cigarettes that were stepped on
songs that have not yet been told.
Gifts that were regifted
and houses that were pulled down
flowers that dirt covered.
We are trees that are burning,
stars that are being lost,
eyes that meet out of habbit.Pliatsikas Filippos - Eimaste -
We are lights that were turned off
bodies that were not touched
voices that avoid the truth.
Drinks that were not drinken
and pain that was not eased
a hole in the road that does not fill.
Life that was not lived
a river that was polluted
outlaws with law (being) our gun.
Arms that did not hug
waters that did not clean
a moon that didn't light the night.
A God who was not worshipped
a wound that was not cured
a love that didn't say goodnight.