Plavi Orkestar - Suada
ti si meni sve,
ti mi daješ sve
i kad tebe ne ima
teško mi je. ako te ikad budu pitali
gdje li su sada oni dani svi
samo sa suzama u ocima
palcem jer nisi moja jedina. suada, suadaPlavi Orkestar - Suada -
da li si ikad mene voljela hajdemo drugovi moji kao nekada
kada smo subotom išli u zelenilo
a nedelju mrzeli zbog ponedjeljka drugovi, budimo iskreni
vec nam se bliži dvadeseta
a treba živjeti i pjevati
idemo kao na maturskoj veceri
Plavi Orkestar - Suada (Английский перевод)
You are everything to me
You give everything to me
And when you're not here
It's hard for me
If they would ever ask you
Where are all those days now
Only with tears in my eyes
I cry because you aren't my only one
Suada, SuadaPlavi Orkestar - Suada -
Have you ever loved me
Come on my friends like before
When on Saterday we went to the verdure
And hated Sunday because of Monday
Friends, let's be honest
The twenties (age) are comming nere
But we have to live and sing
Let's go like we did on matriculation