Pirat's Sound Sistema - Poc a poc
Poc a poc, poc a poc
encenent bé la brasa,
avivant bé el nostre foc Un camí difícil ple de pedres i forats,
una carretera que encara no han asfaltat,
Obstacles complexes
que t'empenyen al fossar,
perseguint un objectiu força dur d'atrapar. Escolta el meu cant i que ningú no et faci perdre
les teves creences, que ningú no et vulgui vendre
les seves mentides per molt que t'ho posi tendre
i encara que costi d'entendre La passió d'alçar ben amunt el teu braç
i no creguis que ara això s'ha acabat,
escolta el teu cor, escolta com bat,Pirat's Sound Sistema - Poc a poc - http://ru.motolyrics.com/pirats-sound-sistema/poc-a-poc-lyrics-english-translation.html
bat i bat, bat a bat, bat a bat Poc a poc, poc a poc
encenent bé la brasa
avivant bé el nostre foc Clavar la mirada en un punt precís.
Esquivar una cascada buscant-te l'iris.
Enviar-te paraules sense previ avís,
enviar-te paraules exactes per ser concís. Vull ser, l'arqueòleg del teu temps
vull ser, de la teva mort per verí l'endeví.
Un parell de copes de vi
i poc a poc assenyalar-nos el camí. El camí de construir-nos un destí,
de fer les coses perquè vull, i no perquè sí.
El camí de trencar amb el que s'ha escrit,
i amb el cap ben alt arrencar-me un crit del pit!
Pirat's Sound Sistema - Little by little (Английский перевод)
Little by little, little by little
Lighting the ember
Getting our fire going
A difficult path full of stones and holes
A road that's not been asphalted yet
Difficult obstacles
that throw you into the moat
pursuing a goal that's difficult to reach
Listen to my chant and don't let anybody make you lose
your beliefs, don't buy
anybody's lies even if they make it seem nice
and even if it's difficult to understand
The passion with which you raise your arm up
and don't think this is over
listen to your heart, listen how it beatsPirat's Sound Sistema - Poc a poc - http://ru.motolyrics.com/pirats-sound-sistema/poc-a-poc-lyrics-english-translation.html
beats and beats, every beat, every beat
Little by little, little by little
Lighting the ember
Getting our fire going
Fixing the stare on a certain point
Dodging a waterfall looking for your iris
Sending words to you without prior warning
Sending accurate words to you to be concise
I want to be the archeologist of your time
I want to be the fortune-teller of your death by poison
A couple of glasses of wine
And little by little point to our road
The road of making a destiny for us,
of making things because I want to, not just because
The road of breaking all what's written
and with my head up, shouting out loud with my chest!