Pink - Save My Life
She's back on drugs again
Even though she knows it ain't right
She can't even call up her friends
And say, "Help me save my life"
She's so ashamed of herself
That she's come full circle
Oh, nobody understands
What it's like to be this girl
So she, she disappeared, and she
She wasn't clear, and she
She didn't say where she was goin'
Yeah, yeah
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you hear me
Save my life, won't you help me
She had the man of her dreams
And some success
And she was so happy and lookin' well
It was this one dark night, that she slipped
And then the next mornin' that she
Felt like a piece of shit
Pink - Save My Life -
So she's, she's hangin' out, and she's
She's with the crowd, and she's
Travelin' where the wind is blowin'
Yeah, yeah
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you hear me
Save my life, won't you help me
And he's a real good guy and he
He wants to save her 'cause he's
He's more than been there all before, oh
And she's, she's so confused
And his, his heart is breakin' and he
Dreams she's knockin' on his door, oh, yeah
Save my life
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you hear me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you help me
Save my life, won't you hear me
Save my life, won't you help me
Pink - Sačuvaj Moj život (Сербский перевод)
Ona je opet na drogama
Iako zna da nije u pravu
Ona ne može prepoznati svoje prijatelje
i reći "Pomozite,sačuvajte moj život"
Nju je toliko sramota sebe
Niko ju ne razume
Budi ta devojka
Tako je izgubljena,i ona
Nejasna,i ona
Nije rekla kuda ide
Sačuvaj moj život,neće li mi pomoći
Sačuvaj moj život,neće li mi pomoći
Sačuvaj moj život,neće li mi pomoćiPink - Save My Life -
Sačuvaj moj život,neće li mi pomoći
Imala je čoveka iz snova
I uspehe
I bila je jako srećna,i dobro je izgledala
A sledećeg jutra
Osećala se kao sranje
Ona je izvisila,i ona je
Sa gomilom,i ona je
Travelin'* gde vetar duva
I on je stvarno dobar momak i on
Želi da ju spase zato što je i on
Bio pre u toj situaciji
I ona je jako zbunjena i njegovo srce je slomljeno i on
Sanja o tome da ona zakuca na njegova vrata