Pink Floyd - The Thin Ice
Momma loves her baby
And daddy loves you too
And the sea may look warm to you babe
And the sky may look blue
Ooh baby
Ooh baby blue
Ooh babe
If you should go skating
On the thin ice of modern lifePink Floyd - The Thin Ice -
Draggin' behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear-stained eyes
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice
Pink Floyd - Tanak Led (Сербский перевод)
Mama voli svoju bebu
I otac te takođe voli
I more ti se može činiti toplim,bejbi
I nebo ti može izgledati plavo
O bejbi
O bejbi
O bejbi
Ako budeš skejtovala
Po tankom ledu modernog životaPink Floyd - The Thin Ice -
Vukući za sobom tihe prekore
Miliona suznih očiju
Nemoj se iznenaditi kada se pukotina u ledu
Pojavi ispod tvojih stopala
Isklizavaš iz svojih dubina,silazis s' uma
Sa strahom koji pluta iza tebe
Dok grebeš tanak led