Peter Jöback - Viskar En Bön
allting gnistrar
allt r tyst
ver vita gator
som snn har kysst
barnen leker
p bakgrden
allt andas frvntan
i vinternatten
och stjrnorna glittrar
p himlens rund
och hela livet ryms
i just denna stund
(ref)jag viskar en bn inatt
fr dom som inget har
fr dom som gick in i natten
utan att hitta tillbaks
jag viskar en bn inatt
fr alla dom som vntar
fr dom som har tappat hopp
fr alla drute som lngtarPeter Jöback - Viskar En Bön -
alla sover nu
alla utom jag
jag hr nglars steg
p vrat tak
vi har haft sn tur
s mnga goda r
s mnga chanser
som en mnniska kan f
och mitt hjrta fylls
av stillhet och frid
ngot tndes inatt
som rcker ett liv
(ref)jag viskar en bn inatt
fr dom som inget har
fr dom som gick in i natten
utan att hitta tillbaks
jag viskar en bn inatt
fr alla dom som vntar
fr dom som har tappat hopp
fr alla drute som lngtar
Peter Jöback - Whisper a prayer (Английский перевод)
Everything is glistening, everything is quiet.
Above white snow kissed streets.
The kids are playing in the backyard.
Everything is breathing anticipation, in the winternight.
And the stars are twinkling in the sky.
Oh, this moment contains a whole lifetime.
Oh, I'm whispering a prayer tonight.
For those who have nothing.
For those who walked into the night, without finding their way back.
I whisper a prayer tonight.
For all those who are waiting.
For those who have lost hope.
For all those out there longing.
Everybody's sleeping now, besides me.Peter Jöback - Viskar En Bön -
I hear angel footsteps on our roof.
We've been so lucky, so many good years.
So many chances, a person can get.
And my heart is filled with piece and quiet.
Something ignited tonight, which lasts a lifetime.
Oh, I'm whispering a prayer tonight.
For those who have nothing.
For those who walked into the night, without finding their way back.
I whisper a prayer tonight.
For all those who are waiting.
For those who have lost hope.
For all those out there longing.
I whisper a prayer.