Perfect - Autobiografia
Mia?em dziesi?? lat
Gdy us?ysza? o nim ?wiat
W mej piwnicy by? nasz klub
Kumpel radio zni�s?
Us?ysza?em blue suede shoes
I nie mog?em w nocy spa?
Wiatr odnowy wia? (wujek J�zek zmar?)
Darowano reszty kar
Zn�w si? mo?na by?o ?mia?
W kawiarniany gwar
Jak tornado jazz si? wdar?
I ja te? chcia?em gra?
Ojciec, b�g wie gdzie
Martenowski stawia? piec
Mnie paznokie? z palca zszed?
Z gryfu zosta? wi�r
Gra?em milion r�?nych bzdur
I pozna?em co to sex
Poczt�wkowy sza?
Ka?dy z nas ich pi??set mia?
Zamiast nowej pary jeans
A w sobotni? noc
By? Luxemburg, chata, szk?o
Jak?e si? chcia?o ?y?!
By?o nas trzech
W ka?dym z nas inna krew
Ale jeden przy?wieca? nam cel
Za kilka lat
Mie? u st�p ca?y ?wiat
Wszystkiego w brud
Alpagi ?yk
I dyskusje po ?wit
Niecierpliwy w nas ciska? si? duch
Kto? dosta? w nos
To pop?aka? si? kto?
Co? dzia?o si? Perfect - Autobiografia -
Por�?ni?a nas
Za jej Poli Raksy twarz
Ka?dy by si? zabi? da?
W pewn? letni? noc
Gdzie? na dach wynios?em koc
I dosta?em to, com chcia?
Powiedzia?a mi
?e k?opoty mog? by?
Ja jej, ?e egzamin mam
Odkr?ci?a gaz
Nie zapuka? nikt na czas
Zn�w jak pies, by?em sam
Stu r�?nych r�l
Czym ugasi? m�j b�l
Nauczy?o mnie ?ycie jak nikt
W wyrku na wznak
Przechlapa?em sw�j czas
Najlepszy czas
W knajpie dla braw
Klezmer kaza? mi gra?
Takie rzeczy ?e jeszcze mi wstyd
Pewnego dnia
Zrozumia?em, ?e ja
Nie umiem nic
S?uchaj mnie tam!
Pokona?em si? sam
Oto wy?ni? si? wielki m�j sen
Tysi?czny t?um
Spija s?owa z mych ust
Kochaj? mnie
W hotelu fan
M�wi: "na ta?mie mam
To jak w gard?ach im rodzi si? ?piew"
Otwieram drzwi
I nie m�wi? ju? nic
Do czterech ?cian
Perfect - Authobiography (Английский перевод)
I was ten at the time
When the world has heard of him first,
We had a club in my basement.
A buddy of mine brought a radio
I heard "Blue suede shoes",
and I couldn't sleep that night.
The wind of change was blowing,
There was amnesty,
You could laugh again.
The buzz of cafes
Was invaded by jazz like tornado
So I wanted to play too...
My father, God knows where,
Was setting open hearth furnaces,
A nail came off my finger.
I turned the neck of my guitar to sawdust,
I played millions of silly songs,
And found out what sex was about.
The sound postcard craze,
Everyone had hundreds of those,
Insted of a new pair of jeans.
And on Saturday nights,
There was radio Luxemburg, free house and booze,
Life was good!
[Refren 1]
There was three of us
Each of different blood
But united with one goal in mind
In a few years,
To have the world at our feet,
To own everything.
A gulp of cheap wine,
And dicussions till the morning
Impatient were our souls,
One got smacked in the face,
Another would cry,Perfect - Autobiografia -
Things happened.
She was the reason of our quarell
Had a face of Pola Raksa*
Than everyone would die for.
One summer night
I took a blanket out to the roof
And I got what I wanted.
She told me there might be problems
I told her I had an exam coming.
She turned the gas knobs on
Nobody came to knock in time,
I was was alone again, like a dog.
Hundreds of various parts to play
That would quench my pain
Life has taught me.
Lying flat in bed
I wasted my time
The best time of my life.
For cheap cheers in bars
The klezmer made me play,
Things that I'm still ashamed of.
One day,
I realised that
I am useless.
Listen to me!
I have defeated myself,
Finally my dream has come true,
Crowds of thousands
Drink words from my lips,
They love me.
A fan in a hotel
Says: "I've got that on tape,
The moment they start to sing!"
I open the door
And speak no more
To four walls...