Pentagram - Olumlu
Dünkü aklýn bugün yetmez
Yarýn bambaþka bir dünya
Bir sen var o hiç deðiþmez
Gerçeklerin hep farkýnda
Yol yakýnken düþün biraz
Bir nesildik beraberce
Bir adým git bir adým gel
Kaç yýl kaldý önümüzde
Gör artýk, gör artýk anla
�lümlü, ölümlü bu dünya
Düþman olmak mertlik deðil
Korkaklýðýn iradesi
Kurnazlýk marifet deðil
Aptallarýn tesellisi
Piþmanlýða tercih etme
Geçmiþteki hatalarýPentagram - Olumlu -
Yalnýz gözyaþlarýn yýkar
Ruhundaki günahlarý
Gör artýk, gör artýk anla
�lümlü, ölümlü bu dünya
Gör artýk, gör artýk anla
Savaþma artýk hayatla
Ã?ok yoruldun dinlen biraz
Misafirsin bu alemde
Etrafýný seyret biraz
Fazla kalmazsýn belki de
Doðru yanlýþ gerçek yalan
Farketmiyor aslýnda
Dünya döner geçer zaman
Hiçbirþey kalmaz ardýnda
Gör artýk, gör artýk anla
�lümlü, ölümlü bu dünya
Pentagram - Mortal (Английский перевод)
Your inexperienced mind isn't enough today
Tomorrow is quite different world
Only you exist, that never changes
Always aware of the facts
Think a little while there's still time
We were a generation together
Go one step...Come one step...
How many years do we have in front of us?
See now, see now, understand
Mortal, this world is mortal
See now, see now, understand
Mortal, this world is mortal
Being enemy isn't bravery
Desire of cowardice
Trick isn't a skill
Consolation of fools
Don't prefer past mistakes
to regretPentagram - Olumlu -
Only your tears wash
The sins in your soul
See now, see now, understand
Mortal, this world is mortal
See now, see now, understand
Don't fight with life anymore!
You got too tired, rest a little
You're a guest in this world
Watch your near a little
Maybe you won't stay long
True-false, truth-lie
makes no difference
The world spins, time passes
Nothing remains after you
See now, see now, understand
Mortal, this world is mortal
See now, see now, understand
Mortal, this world is mortal