Pavel Stratan
Pavel Stratan

Liza перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Pavel Stratan - Liza

Odata i-o placut lu Liza de-un barbat
Barbatu-i Ghita, da, da Ghita-i insurat
De ciuda Liza pe pahar dupa pahar
Ulcioru-i gol da ea cu jin il imple iar
Si Ghita-a Ninei macar sa nu fi fost magar
Sa zis deodata "nu", era sa fie clar
Da din pricina lui, ca fata l-o iubit
Ea fericita nu-i, da Ghita-i fericit
Fericit... Mama, ce-am patit cu Ghita-aseara, iti spun da numa tie
Da eu credem ca Ghita cum ii treaz asa-i si la betie
Da cand i-am vazut mainile cum se lasa la mine pe rochita
Am inteles ca n-ar sa fie ghine ce vrea sa faca GhitaPavel Stratan - Liza -
Da cand l-am intrebat "tu ma iubesti", el o zis ca ma iubeste
Zic "Ghita, spune drept, tu nu glumesti?", el o zis ca nu glumeste
Si eu de fericire ca ii place am uitat ca eu is Liza
Da de ma afla tata, stii ce-mi face, in primul rand valiza Povestea inca nu de tot s-o terminat
Aghe amu-i amu, s-va spun ce s-o-ntamplat
A doua seara-n bar, da inca de cu zi
Acelasi Ghita sta cu alta pupaza
Si-i spune nu stiu ce, da cand sa-i deie flori
Pe usa intra Liza-n mana c-un sitori
De mai departe ce-o fost ii de necrezut
Asa ceva trebu numa de vazut
De vazut...

Английский перевод

Pavel Stratan - Liza (Английский перевод)

Once Liza liked a man
The man Was Ghita, yes, but Ghita was married
As envy Liza used to drink glass after glass
The jug was empty but she filled it with gin again
And at least Nina's Ghita wouldn't have been such a donkey
And say "no", to be all clear
But because of him, cause the girl loved him
She's not happy, but Ghita is

Mom, what happened last night with Ghitza, i will tell only you
But I thought that Ghita behaves the same when he is drunk and when he's sober
But when i saw his hands touching my dress
I udnerstood it wouldn't be nice what Ghita is doingPavel Stratan - Liza -
But when I asked him " do you love me", he said he does
I say " Ghita, honestly, aren't u kidding?" , he said he is not
And as I was happy he liked it I forgot I was Liza
But if dad finds out, you know what he will do, for starters my suitcase

The story is not yet over
Let me tell you now what happened
The second night in the bar, but with one more day
The same Ghita sits with another broad
and tell her don't know what, but when to give her flowers
Liza came through the door with girdle a in her hand
But what happened further on was unbelievable
You have to see it to believe it
To see it...

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