Pavel Stratan - In seara asta
In seara asta vreau sa facem tot
Eu n-am baut dar vreau sa ma imbat
Eu nu fumez dar vreau sa ma afum
Cand faci de toate parca totu-i bun
Deschide dulapul, masa o desfaci
Asterne patul ('De ce?') si taci
Nu da intrebari, nu astepta raspuns
Eu ce-am avut de spus eu de-amu am spus Eu prima data vin la la tine
Da' n-am stiut c-asa-i de bine
Asa-i de bine si frumos
De parca numai ce s-o intors
Cu fatza Dumnezeu la mine
as if God just turned around with his face at me La poarta in inel ceva am pus
Sa creada toti ca undeva is dus
Vecinii dorm, ei nici habar nu au
Prin curte umbla dezlegat bau-bau - through the yard walks released/untied bau
Pachetu-i tare, inseamna ca ii plin
Ulciorul greu, inseamna ca-i cu vinPavel Stratan - In seara asta -
Tu esti aici, ai vrut, inseamna ca
Eu singura nu te-am tras de maneca Eu nu stiu ce-am pierdut la tine
Da' vad ca pana cand e bine
Ce n-am crezut, incep sa cred
Ce-a fost, am vaz't ce este vad
Ce n Sa fie clar ce vreau incepem cu
Eu te intreb, tu numa' nu zi-mi nu
Adam si Eva de care haine aveau?
De-acelea imbraci si tu, imbrac si eu
Bluzitza scoate-o si agat-o in cui
Fustitza uite-o fost si d-amu nu-i
Eu te ajut, tu numa' zi ca vrei
Si-n trei secunde esti numai'n cercei Cine or sede cum eu, mitica
Numa-n cercei si-n rest nimica
Cum tie ti-ar sede amu
Sa ai ce ai si restu nu
Si nimeni n-are ce sa zica
Pavel Stratan - tonight (Английский перевод)
tonight i wanna do everything (with u)
i didnt drink but i wanna get drunk
i dont smoke, but i want to fumigate myself
when u do many things is seems like everything's good
open the closet , open the table
make the bed (why?) and shut up
dont ask questions, dont wait for answers
i told everything i had to tell
is the 1st time when i come to u (at ur place)
but i didnt know it is so good
is so good and beautiful
De parca numai ce s-o intors
Cu fatza Dumnezeu la mine
as if God just turned around with his face at me
in the ring of the gate i put smth
that everyone think im gone somewhere
the neighbours r sleeping , they have no idea
the package is hard/strong, wich means that its full
the ewer is heavy , wich means that is with winePavel Stratan - In seara asta -
u are here , u wanted , wich means that
i didnt pull u by the sleeve alone
i dont know what i lost at u
but i see that till is good
what i didnt believe, i start to believe
what it was, i saw, what is i see
am dovedit ramane maine what i didnt prooved remains for tommorow
to be clear what i want we start with
i ask u , u just dont say no to me
Adam and Eva what kind of clothes they had?
with those u get urself dressed ,and im getting myself dressed with them too
take ur blouse off and hang it
the skirt look it was and now is not anymore
i help u , u just say u want
and in 3 sec u r only in earrings
who will stay like me , mitica
only in earrings and nothing else
how would u look like now
to have what u have and nothing else
and nobody has nothing to say