Pandora - Dikur të deshta
Nje shikim
mu me ben qe ta kuptoj
se sa te urrej
kur me thu te dashuroj vetem vec nje fjal
dhe jam gati te t'harroj
vetem vec nje hap
dhe nga jeta dot t'largoj
se nuk te duroj ti se di se sa me dhemb
kur zerin ta degjojPandora - Dikur të deshta -
por nuk mudem te vazhdoj
se nuk te besoj ti mundohesh me dhurata
zemren te ma blesh por e di qe me ke humb
kur me cdo te me kthesh nje mij here
un gabimet ti kam fal
kur ti ke qesh
un te kam pritur duke qar dhe cdo moment e kam jetuar vec per ty
kur ishe vet, un gjithmone kam qen aty
se e vrave dashurine
Pandora - I loved you once (Английский перевод)
one look
makes me understand
how much i hate you
when you tell me you love me
only one word
and i'm ready to forget you
only one step
and i will distance you from my life
because i can't stand you
you don't know how much it hurts
when i hear your voicePandora - Dikur të deshta -
but i can no longer go on
because i don't believe you
you buy me all these gifts
so you can buy my heart
but you know you have lost me
you turn on every word
a thousand times
i have forgiven your mistakes
when you have laughed
i have waitied crying
and i have lived every moment just for you
when you were alone, i was always with you
and you killed our love