Orhan Ölmez - Benim Istedigim
Gunlerdir gozlerime uyku girmez yoruldum /
Sayende bildigim guzel seyleri unuttum / Bana herseyi verseler yetmez gulum sen yoksan eger /
Bu yikilmis halime gelmen yeter /
Bana herseyi verseler olmaz gulum sen yoksan eger /Orhan Ölmez - Benim Istedigim - http://ru.motolyrics.com/orhan-olmez/benim-istedigim-lyrics-english-translation.html
Bu tukenmis halime gelmen yeter Benim istedgim yanliz sensin /
Gel de gonlum umitlensen /
Derdime derman bir tek sensin /
Gel de omrum guzellessin /
Orhan Ölmez - what i want (Английский перевод)
for days i have not slept i am tired
because of you i have forgotten every beautiful thing
even they give me everything, it's not enough my rose, if you're not there
it's enough if you come to this broken status of i am
even they give me everything, it's not enough my rose, if you're not thereOrhan Ölmez - Benim Istedigim - http://ru.motolyrics.com/orhan-olmez/benim-istedigim-lyrics-english-translation.html
it's enough if you come to this departed status of i am
what i want is only you
come that my heart shall be hopeful
you are the only remedy of mine
come that my lifetime shall be more beautiful