Opća Opasnost - Nenapisana stranica
Prošli smo puno tog', zar ne?
Od smijeha do suza, sve
što jedna ljubav može proći
nekad su nam ruže cvjetale
nekad su lađe tonule Slutili nismo da će doć'
ovaj dan bez milosti
i ovaj zagrljaj poslije kojeg
ćemo samo nestati
kao jutarnja zvijezda Ref 2x
Kraj puta sve ovdje prestaje
ovo je zadnja stanica
naša je priča ispričana
snovi će ostati iza nas
i nenapisana zadnja stranica Ne sudi strogo o nama
kad nas se budeš sjećala
dobro i loše sve to zbroji
jer onaj svijet iz našeg snaOpća Opasnost - Nenapisana stranica - http://ru.motolyrics.com/opca-opasnost/nenapisana-stranica-lyrics-english-translation.html
u kojem je ljubav nepobjediva
ne može ostvarit ne postoji. Ref 1x
Kraj puta sve ovdje prestaje
ovo je zadnja stanica
naša je priča ispričana
snovi će ostati iza nas
i nenapisana zadnja stranica Slutili nismo da će doć'
ovaj dan bez milosti
i ovaj zagrljaj poslije kojeg
ćemo samo nestati
kao jutarnja zvijezda Ref 2x
Kraj puta sve ovdje prestaje
ovo je zadnja stanica
naša je priča ispričana
snovi će ostati iza nas
i nenapisana zadnja stranica nenapisana zadnja stranica...
Opća Opasnost - Unwritten page (Английский перевод)
We went through so much, didn't we?
From laughs to tears, everything that
one love can go through.
Sometimes our roses were blossoming,
sometimes ships were sinking.
We didn't suspect that
this day without mercy would come
and this embrace after which
we'd just disappear
like a morning star.
Ref 2x
Beside the road, everything ends here
this is the last station,
our story has been told.
The dreams will stay behind us
and the unwritten last page.
Don't judge harshly on us,
when you remember us;
Good and bad, add up everything
because that world from our dream,Opća Opasnost - Nenapisana stranica - http://ru.motolyrics.com/opca-opasnost/nenapisana-stranica-lyrics-english-translation.html
in which love is unvincible,
can never come true; it doesn't exist.
Ref 1x
Beside the road, everything ends here
this is the last station,
our story has been told.
The dreams will stay behind us
and the unwritten last page.
We didn't suspect that
this day without mercy would come
and this embrace after which
we'd just disappear
like a morning star.
Ref 2x
Beside the road, everything ends here
this is the last station,
our story has been told.
The dreams will stay behind us
and the unwritten last page.
the unwritten last page...