One Ok Rock - Mikansei Koukyoukyoku
生きる限り日々努力してその度に学んで七転び八起き もしも僕が明日死んでも何かココに残せるよな
そんな人間になりたいありたいって思いながら日々生きてる 100点じゃないこの僕に100点つけるのは 他でもない僕自身だ!それ以外どうだっていいんだ!
So 勇気だって もらって生きてるんだ
大切なのは自分が自分である事! 昨日今日さっき見た景色も実は今見つめてる景色も
大袈裟には変わりはしない事ぐらいボクも分かっちゃいるけど 当たり障りのない日々が当たり障りのあり日々へOne Ok Rock - Mikansei Koukyoukyoku -
変えれる何かを僕らココから放っていくから でもキレイ事にならぬように 今日も僕ら 息も吸い込んで吐いたと途端に思いを歌うんだ
自分の言葉で自分を奮い立たせる We are alive 間違ったっていいじゃん!
一回しかないじゃん!おのれの人生だ! 言いたい事は何だ?やりたい事は何だ?
One Ok Rock - Incomplete Symphony (Английский перевод)
Incomplete! Yeah, I am!
What the heck's "incomplete" everybody!?
Every time you reach the limit of giving your all at living, learn from those ups and downs
Even if I died tomorrow, I wonder what I could leave behind
Live while thinking of those people you think you'd like to be like
It's me myself who transfers 100 points to the me
Who had no points! Anything more than that is trivial!
People in the form of people do things like shedding tears
So this courage they claim, accept it and live on
The important thing is that you are yourself!
The scenery you looked at yesterday, today, just now is really the same as what you're staring hard at right now
I know enough to realize exaggerations can't be changed but
Harmless and peaceful days can become just the oppositeOne Ok Rock - Mikansei Koukyoukyoku -
Change anything possible because we'll set it free from now on
But today when nothing seems like it'll be beautiful again, we'll also
Sing out these thoughts as easily as breathing in and out
Somebody turn toward someone near them who doesn't understand
And just let out a loud shout while I also
With my own words force myself to cheer up
We are alive
So what if you make a mistake!?
It just one time, isn't it!? This is your life!
What is it you want to say? What do you want to do?
What you want to convey and things you want to give notice to
Are different from every single person, making it so people clash over them
Because somehow in this world, we don't fixate on what's important!