One Ok Rock - Kaimu
この地球がもしも明日 全てを終わらそうとすれば
それ聞いてこの星で 自分の命と引き換えに
地球を守ろうとするやつがどれだけいるだろう? なんだかんだ言ったってキレイ事
誰かやってみせてくれ! ココは皆無・カイム
誰もが口先だけで 自分の事で精一杯
何も変わりはしないさ 子供遊びは止めろよ 本当はこの地球も 誰かが作ったニセモノで
金魚のように水槽で 飼われてたとして
実は飼い主がイタズラで 遊んでるだけで 考え出したら止まらないけどOne Ok Rock - Kaimu -
もしそうだとしたら まさに悪夢・アクム
僕らの成長・進化さえも 癒しの一つでしかなくて
最終的なみんなの運命は 葬り去られてしまうだけ ココは皆無・カイム
実はソコには何もなくて 誰かの作る幻想で
だったとしたら 僕はまさに
誰かの作るカラクリにまんまとハマってるだけ ココは皆無・カイム
森やビルや人でさえも 誰かの作る幻想で
だったとしたら 君はまさに
One Ok Rock - Nothingness (Английский перевод)
If everything on this planet came to an end tomorrow
How much anger, how much sadness would be left behind?
And after hearing this question, just how many people
Would be willing to give their lives in exchange for protecting the Earth?
No matter what people say, talk is cheap
Let's see some action being done instead!!
This is the nothingness that we exist in
Where people are all talk and only concerned about themselves
If that's the case then no matter what is said
Nothing will ever change; let's stop these children's games
What if this planet was really a fake made by someone
And we were being kept like goldfish in a fish tank
And the thunderstorms and earthquakes that shake the Earth
Were actually our owner's way of playing pranks on us
Once I start thinking about that, I can't seem to stopOne Ok Rock - Kaimu -
But if that was really the truth then...
It'd be a nightmare, a total NIGHTMARE
Our growth and evolution are just one cure
If this was the case, then whatever we do
In the end, we are are fated for oblivion
This is the nothingness that we exist in
The truth is that nothing exists out there; it's just an illusion that someone created
If that's the case, then I'm surely
Caught in a trick that someone made
This is the nothingness that we exist in
The forests, the buildings and even the people are just an illusion made by someone
If that's the case, then you're surely be
Lending a hand to the trick someone made?