Omul Cu Sobolani - Razna
Chiar nu ma intereseaza,
Parerea celorlalti nu conteaza
Nu-mi pasa, stiu c-or sa vorbeasca,
Nebuniei mele sa se-mpotriveasca...
Inseamna atat de putin pentru mine
Oricum fac cam tot ce imi vine
Nu urmaresc chiar sa displac
Dar refuz mereu sa va fac pe plac
Vad sanatorii cu balcoane,
Borcane de pastile goale,
Camasi de forta dantelate,
Reflexe neconditionate
Vad sanatorii cu balcoane,
Borcane de pastile goale,
Camasi de forta dantelate,
Reflexe preaconditionate
Omul Cu Sobolani - Razna -
Nu imi pasa ce-or sa zica
Stiu oricum c-or sa-mi poarte pica
Tu esti mai putin nebun decat mine
Eu sunt cel ce stie totul despre tine
Sunt nebun, imi spun nebun, ma simt nebun,
Sunt nebun, imi spun nebun, nu sunt nebun,
Razna am luat-o cu totii
Dar voi ca tontii nu observati
Ca am luat-o razna cu totii dar eu...
Vad sanatorii cu balcoane,
Borcane de pastile goale,
Camasi de forta dantelate,
Reflexe neconditionate
Vad sanatorii cu balcoane,
Borcane de pastile goale,
Camasi de forta dantelate,
Reflexe preaconditionate
Omul Cu Sobolani - Off course (Английский перевод)
It doesn't really interest me,
The opinion of the others doesn't matter,
I don't care, I know they'll speak
To oppose my madness.
It means so little for me,
Anyway, I do just about everything I feel like.
I don't really intend to displease,
But I always refuse to pander to you.
I see sanatoriums with balconies,
Empty pill containers,
Laced straitjackets,
Innate reflexes,
I see sanatoriums with balconies,
Empty pill containers,
Laced straitjackets,Omul Cu Sobolani - Razna -
Too-conditioned reflexes.
I don't care what they'll say,
I know that they'll bear a grudge against me anyway,
You're less crazy than I am,
I'm the one who knows everything about you.
I'm insane, they say I'm crazy, I feel crazy
I've gone totally off course,
But you like fools don't notice
That I've gone totally off course,
But I...
I've gone totally off course,
But you like fools don't notice
That I've gone totally off course,
But I...
I see sanatoriums with balconies,
Empty pill containers,
Laced straitjackets,
Reconditioned reflexes.