Ombladon - Ultimul tren
Dupa o noapte rece, cu cer fara stele,
Urmeaza prima zi, din restul vietii mele
Lacrimile tale grele ce se cern prin gene
Imi cer parca sa raman, dar nu mai am vreme
Am sa plec o vreme, o sa ma'ntorc, nu te teme,
N'am sa uit ca sangele tau imi curge'n vene
Am crescut ca multi altii intr'un bloc murdar
Langa un calorifer rece, cu ochii pe contuar,
Toate trec, asa se spune,
Dar nimic nu trece fara sa lase urme, pe bune
Fa bine, alege'ti din timp drumul,
Timpul se scurge printre degete, strange pumnul
Totusi sper, sa fiu liber cer
Nu vreau sa mai vad acelasi raft gol in frigider,
E ultimul meu tren, sti ca il astept de mult
Iti promit de pe acum, jur, c'o sa te sun Ref: Acum plec, trag usa dupa mine
Abia astept, sa ne vedem cu bine
Pasesc incet, in roua diminetiiOmbladon - Ultimul tren -
Fara bilet stau ascuns in trenul vietii E ciudat sa spun asta, e nedrept ca plec, is weird to say this, is unfair that i go
Dar e dreptul meu sa'mi fac un rost,
Sa'ncerc, s'aleg un drum mai bun,
Am mai gresit, nu neg,
Aici n'ai cu ce sa te'alegi, sper ca ma'ntelegi,
E o tara de cacat, scuza'mi limbajul
Dar si astia ca si comunistii ne'au dat dreacu
Acum toti si'au ridicat vile
Si omul de rand se lupta ptr banii de'ntretinere
Cu zilele, nu vreau sa ma obisnuiesc cu asta
De ce isi bat joc de viata mea, imi dau ei alta?
Confort nu, bani nu, sperante mici
Am enspe mii de motive sa zbor de'aici, ce zici?
Aici simtim ca o povara grea de mici,
Acea mana'n spate ce nu te lasa sa te ridici
Sti ca am putini prieteni, dar ii am de'o viata
Spune'le, te rog, si lor c'o sa'mi lïpseasca
Ombladon - Ultimul tren (Английский перевод)
After a cold night, with a sky without stars
The 1st day from the rest of my life is next
Ur heavy tears sifts through the eyelashes
They kinda ask me to stay , but i dont have time
I will go for a while , ill be back ,dont worry
I wont forget that ur blood flows in my veins
I grew up like many others in a dirty block
Next to a cold radiator , with the eyes on the contuar ( is a thing of measurement on the radiator)
Everything passes , thats what they say
But nothing passes without letting traces , really
Do well , choose early ur way
The timp is flowing between ur fingers , clench ur fist
although i hope , i ask to be free
I dont want to see the same empty shelf in the fridge
is my last train u know im waiting for it for so long
I promise to u since now , i swear , ill call u
now i go , i pull the door after me
im so excited , to see eachother healthy
i step slowly in the morning's dewOmbladon - Ultimul tren -
without a ticket i stay hidden in the train of life
E ciudat sa spun asta, e nedrept ca plec, is weird to say this, is unfair that i go
but is my right to make a sense
to try , to choose a better way
i was sometimes wrong , i dont deny it
here u dont have nothing, i hope u understand me
is a country of sh.t, excuse my language
but this guys like comunists gave us to hell
now everybody constructed vilas
and normal people are fighting for money for maintenance
with days, i dont want to get used with this
why they are making fool of my life, they give me another?
no comfort , no money , small hopes
i have lots of reasons to fly (get out of) from here, what do u say?
here we feel like a heavy weight for smallness
that hand on back that doesnt allow u to get up
U know i have a few friends , but i have them for a life time
tell them, pls, that im gonna miss them