Альбомы и тексты песен Olive
Extra Virgin (2003)
Trickle (2000)
- A Fine Life
- All You Ever Needed
- As Long As He Needs Me
- Be Back Soon
- Boy For Sale
- Consider Yourself
- Creature of Comfort
- Food Glorious Food
- Food Glorious Food 2
- Good Morning Starshine
- I Shall Scream
- I'D Do Anything
- I'm Not in Love
- Indulge Me
- Jean
- Liberty
- Long Time Coming
- Love Affair
- My Name
- Oliver, Oliver!
- Omm Papa
- Oom Pah Pah
- Push
- Reviewing The Situation
- Smile
- Speak to Me
- Sunday Mornin'
- Take My Hand
- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Trickle
- Trust You
- Where Is Love?
- Who Will Buy?
- You've Got To Pick-A-Pocket Or Two
Ultimate Number 1s
Yule Groove
Прочие тексты песен